Happy Birthday!!!!

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Kaycie's POV 

Liam had told me about his conversation with Luke, I was glad he was okay with it, but he told Graycie-Ann no dating until she was 30 at least. Today was Patricia's Birthday I was excited and sad all at the time. She was 17, how did it happen so fast, I remember the girl who always had messy hair and ketchup on her face, now I see a beautiful girl who grew up too fast. I knocked on her door in the morning and sung her happy birthday with Graycie. I handed her gifts "These are sepcial, I didn't want to wait until tonight for these", She hugged me and open her necklace, I explained "The black diamond is one of the rawest and strongest diamonds, It represents your new new found strength.", she put in on and opened the next gift, "This is the calddugh ring, now it is to represent to the world what your status of your relationships, I know you've always wanted one" I told her. "Thank you and Liam and my niece, this is awesome" She smiled at me. 

We had breakfast as a family Just liam,Patricia Graycie and me, It was really nice, after breakfast Patricia asked Liam and I if it was okay that she went to The 5 seconds of Summer Hotel room, promising us she would be there before sound check to meet us so we could watch the show together. We agreed to let her go, she hugged us both and said goodbye. I turned to Liam who sighed and said "If it makes her happy, I'm going to let it ride out" I laughed at him and hugged him tightly. "It will be okay, Liam I promise" I told him before kissing him lightly on the lips. "hey babe, how about tomorrow, we all go to the beach, Take Graycie swimming, you can learn to surf, we have the whole day off" Liam said to me, I said "That sounds like an awesome plan minus the bit about me surfing" 

I left Graycie with the babysitter, along with Lux and Louis' mum baby twins. I left for sound check with Liam, Eleanor and I were walking around the stadium while the boys were at sound check, we were talking wedding plans and trying to get a work out in. "Eleanor, Kaycie" we heard some fans calling, It was a group of about 6 girls. "should we go say hi?" Eleanor said, I nodded and we apprached the girls, They started screaming in happiness, "alright girls, it's no big deal it's just us" I said to them, "can we have your autograph and a picture?" one of them asked. I was shocked someone wanted our autograph. Eleanor and I both signed there little books they had broght, and took pictures with them, I told them I would follow them and try to get the boys to follow them, we had left to go back inside "well that was a trip Liam, somebody asked for autographs" I told him when I saw him, He just laughed "of course they would" he said, "I thought it was the starangest thing, oh can you follow some girls I just followed on my twitter please?" I asked him, He nodded and did it straight away. "Hey Kayc, look at this tweet" he said showing me his phone


OMG I just met Louis and Liam's gfs, they are so nice and pretty in person, I ship Kiam and Elounor.

I laughed "That's so sweet, some of your fans are so nice, You should tweet couple things, it makes them Happy" I told him, He laughed but agreed. 


To the girls who met my love, Thank you for being so respectful of her and Eleanor

Also Here's a pick of Graycie, in a cute onesie. check it

(attached was a picture of Graycie wearing at shirt that said "uncle Louis is teaching me to sass", it was from a fan) 

One more thing Happy 17th Birthday to @patriciafrederick, Let's party tonight

I laughed at his tweets, "hey look at this one" I said showing Liam my phone, 


Happy Birthday to @patriciafrederick, your so awesome

"don't show me that kind of stuff" He said, turning my phone back to me, The show was about to start, so I found Patricia,Lottie,Fizz,Eleanor,Johannah and Perrie. We watched the show from the side of the stage. When 5 seconds of summer was on Patricia came up to me and said "so Luke asked me to be his girlfriend" I was shocked "and you said?" I asked as casually as I could, "what do you think I said, Of course I said yes!!" she yelled jumping around while they were performing I laughed" can we annouce it at my party tonight?" she asked, I nodded and said It was fine. 

When One direction performed I was in another world, I absolutely loved watching Liam perform, He winked at me while singing You and I, It made me smile so big. I loved him with everything I had, I loved him and always would we share an unbreakable bond and that's our little Graycie. I couldn't believe I was still smiling as we waited backstage for everyone to clear out. "hey Liam, I love you" I said quietly so only he could hear. He whispered "hey baby, I love you too"

Patricia's POV 

The party was in full swing, music pumping though the sound system. Food was out and there was a bunch of presents for me sitting there. I was standing with Luke, Lottie,Fizzy and Louis, when Kaycie came over and told me, it was time to go and make a speech. Kaycie Stood on a make shift stage with me, She started talking and I motioned for Luke to come closer. Liam was already beside the stage, "Okay hi everyone, I wanted to thank you all for coming to Patricia's 17th birthday party, One more year until I'm free, I'm kidding, while half kidding, I know all of you know our story, but seriously I can't think of a person who has more strength than her, she gets over things fast and moves on fast too, I'll let her explain, So Happy Birthday Trisha" Kaycie said before passing the microphone to me. "Thanks for that lovely introduction Kaycie, I love you too, Well all of you have welcomed me whole heartily into this huge family, you have done so much for me, If I named it all we would be here all night. Truly there is about 6 core people I need to thank. Louis, for welcoming me with open arms and introducing me to your family, and all the wonderfulness that entails, truly Lottie and Fizz are my very best friends, and Eleanor is just one of the best people I know. Harry for being himself, he always helping everyone he meets, that's just the kind of guy he is, I love him for that. Zayn, for everything you do, for making Kaycie actually get to know Liam instead of shutting down, and introducing me to Perrie, she is the most fun. Liam, Oh Liam, we have had our differences, but I love you like a brother, you have truly made life better for me and my sister, To lou teasdale, for helping me like fabulous and last but not least my sister, she could have left me behind when my brother dies, but instead we stuck together and I would also like to thank her for sleeping with Liam to give me a niece." I spoke.

"well I just want to add one more thing, well Luke and I do" I said while Luke, climbed on stage. We looked at each other and I melted, he took the microphone "Trish and I are dating" he yelled to which everyone cheered, except Niall who left, Liam went after him, I didn't care, I kissed Luke. 

Niall's POV 

I was shocked stunned by the news, how could this even be possible, "niall,slow down" I heard Liam calling, He was one of the last people I wanted to see. "Liam, how could you let her date him?, you know how I feel about her" I said with a crack in my voice. "mate, I had no control, the age thing is different too, Niall let her go trust me, if its going to happen it will" He told me. I still was so upset, but he was right I had to ride this out. "she didn't even mention me mate" I said, "I know bro, but just let it go, be a bigger person" he said. 

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