Leaving London and saying goodbye

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Patricia's POV 

it was our last day in London for now, we were leaving this afternoon to go back to Canada so we could pack. I've had so much here with Fizzy and Lottie, and everyone else. I was relieved to get away from Niall for a little while, My feelings for him were growing to much too fast. I knew in my mind, I couldn't be with him but my heart told me another thing completely. 

We were only packing some clothes so packing went fast, The boys were flying somewhere else in America so Liam arranged for us to fly first class back home, much to Kaycie's dismay, she had hated it when Liam spent money on us. I loved it and he was going to do it whether or not she said yes, she was coming around on it. 

Kaycie's POV 

I had to say goodbye to Liam for just under 2 weeks, I couldn't believe it. I had spent every minute I could with him in the past almost 2 weeks and now I wouldn't see him. I knew he would move mountains to make sure he called me every night, but never the less I would miss him too much. 

I had just finished zipping up my suitcase when Liam came into his room, I wanted to cry just sitting there looking at his handsome self and starring into those big brown eyes. "Hi" he said to me, I simply waved to him, He came over to me and picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his strong body and kissed him deeply, "Don't be sad" He said wiping a tear off my face. "its 10 days, it will go by fast, I promise", kissing him once more deeply I said "I know". He put me and down and said "we have to leave now" 

At the airport, I said goodbye to Liam and went though security. The moment I did i was instantly sad. I pulled my phone out and noticed a tweet from Liam it read Counting the days until I can see my Queen again #missheralready, That made me feel better. 

We arrived in Hamilton very early in the morning, we drove home and went to bed right away. First thing we had to do was pack up the house. 

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