Happy Christmas my love

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Liam's POV

We all woke up early on Christmas Eve as we were driving the almost 3 hours to Wolverhampton, Patricia apologized to me this morning, about last night, it was nice to see her coming around and not being so sour towards me. On the drive up we were talking about Christmas traditions, mum had let Kaycie put her own spin on things this year not much, it's just that everyone got a Christmas box with pajamas, a mug, and a Christmas movie. Then we all put on our pajamas watch movies and drink hot chocolate and eat Christmas cookies.

We arrived a little after 11, dad came out to help us unload the car as mum wouldn't let Kaycie touch a thing. It was nice to be home for Christmas, with Kaycie especially, next year at this time, we will have a little baby, when I thought about the little things like that it made me excited, for a future with Kaycie and building a family with her.

I walked in the house carrying the last load of stuff, I saw Patricia sat on the couch on her phone smiling to herself, mum,Nicola and Ruth making a fuss over Kaycie, saying how her bump is coming along quite well, patting her tummy saying things like "we are going to spoil you rotten and we love you so much already, get bigger and come out soon" dad patted me on the shoulder and asked me to come outside with him and mum.

We stood in the back garden "well Liam, this is going to be an exciting year for you and Kaycie, so we have a present for you to give to her one day when you are ready." Dad said as he took out a small box out of his pocket. I knew what it was, and I couldn't believe they were giving this to me. "Liam, this is your grandmothers ring,she would want it to go to a woman like Kaycie, she is everything a wife is suppose to be" mum said to me as dad handed me the box. I smiled as I opened the box, I knew Kaycie would love this ring, she loves coloured gem stones this one was gold with a diamond in the middle and 4 stones on each side in a pattern of green,white. "It's perfect mum and dad, thanks so much" I spit out as I hugged mum "do it when the time is right, it has to be just right", mum said to me, I nodded as we walked back inside. When would be the right time I thought to myself.

Kaycie's POV

Just after dinner, I presented everyone with their Christmas Eve box, and we all went upstairs to get changed, Liam and I were in his childhood room getting changed after I had finished putting my top on Liam came over to me and got on his knees and was hugging my tiny baby bump, "hey little one, it's daddy I wanted to tell you to keep growing and getting stronger, then I can't wait to meet me and show you off, you mummy is going to be the greatest mummy, you just wait and see" Liam said, "thanks baby, me and the little peanut needed to hear that" I said. He went in for a long passionate kiss and whispered "I love you"

We met everyone downstairs for our marathon of Christmas movies, we watched about 5 before everyone called it a night. Patricia was getting to be in a better mood, she hugged everyone before she went to bed and was on her phone less and less. Liam and I turned in for the night, we were in his childhood room, snuggling in his bed Liam was rubbing my tummy whispering to me and the baby about life, it was sweet. I couldn't picture a more perfect moment.

Liam woke me up at 6 on Christmas morning by kissing me all over "happy Christmas my love" he was whispering, when we heard a knock at the door, it was Patricia "umm I'm supposed to tell you Santa came" she said though the door. "We will be down in a minute" I said pulling Liam up out of bed.

Everyone was downstairs when Liam and I got down there. We started with the stockings this was the first time in a longtime I didn't know what was in my stocking, I usually fill my own. We started on the presents, Liam's family gave Patricia a really nice charm bracelet, and many clothes, Liam got her some charms for the bracelet, Liam handed me a tiny box after I had opened many other gifts from him and his family. I opened it very carefully "it's yours and my birthstone and the diamond is to represent the baby" Liam said, "oh Li, it perfect thanks darling" I said kissing his cheek.

After a big traditional English breakfast, we lounged around. Liam said we should take a video for the fans everyone agreed, a quick "happy Christmas from ours to yours, eat and drink merrily" and done.

@real_liam_payne: happy Christmas from my family to yours

We had a big dinner cooked by all of us ladies, even Patricia helped a little, when she wasn't talking to josh. Liam's extended family came over after dinner for tea and cookies, it was nice to finally meet everyone, we announced that we were having a baby. Everyone was so excited.

I got a text as everyone was leaving, it was from Eleanor

Eleanor: happy Christmas, how was it it?

Me: merry Christmas El, it was wonderful! And yours?

Eleanor: it was fantastic, guess what?!? And it's exciting news

Me: your having a baby too?!?

Eleanor: nope I'm getting married (attached pictured of ring

Me: OMG!!!! El that's awesome, congrats, see you in 2 days for details

Eleanor: and details there will be x

"Liam, did you know El and Louis were engaged?" I asked "well I knew he was doing it, didn't know she said yes" he told me, "well you better text him, cause she said yes" I told him. "So, umm babe, what do you think of being married?" Liam asked me so casually, I laugh a little but I am taken back, "well I've been married before so I think it's okay, we had a small wedding and no proposal, just a ring I picked out, that was given to me when we bought it. I regret that very much. Marriage is fun though, it's a super intense close knit bond, that is not easily broken." I said with a smile, "would you get married again?" He asked, I laughed "oh Liam, only if the right person asked" he smiled and kissed me hard. Everything felt right in the world, I'd love that Liam was thinking about the future.

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