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Patricia's POV 

My worst fear at this moment in time was Luke breaking up with me, I didn't want that to happen. "Luke, I'm so sorry" I sobbed into his chest. He rubbed my back slowly and said "It's not your fault, Trish, It's Niall's he took advantage of you during a weak moment" He said in a soothing tone. "well hang on a minute Luke, It takes 2 people to kiss and there may be apart of the story missing, and you don't know the whole story with Niall and Trisha" Kaycie said. I turned to look at her, tear brimming in my eyes "can't you please be on my god damn side for once, Luke knows everything about me and Niall, because there is no me and Niall, Your always choosing Liam and his life over mine, I know I'm just your sister in law, but Jesus haven't we been though enough, that you can choose me" I spat at her, while clinging to Luke. 

She stared at me for what felt like forever, I could see the tears in her eyes, It took alot to get her to cry but I managed it. "How dare you Patricia, How could you even think that for 1 second that, I don't count you as my sister. I've raised you, I've given every opportunity I could give you, I'm sorry that you are too young for Niall, Jesus Patricia, I was going to leave Liam because you didn't want to be in england anymore, and now your doing this" She spat right back at me, That was a truth she swore she never would speak out loud. She was going to leave Liam, before she found out about Graycie, because I didn't want her too, but I saw the pain it causes her and I decided to just be happy. 

I was staring at her, wanting to scream at her. That was when Niall walked in. I looked at him and went crazy. I went to punch him in the face, Luke was holding me back I was screaming "I hate you niall horan, you dirty pig." He stared at me confused and just simply said "You kissed me back" I screamed so loud, Kaycie just shook her head and said "I rest my case". Luke who was holding me back, went straight for Niall and punch him in the face. Niall yelled in pain and I said "you deserve more" as I walked away with Luke. 

I decided to tweet something because I was so angry.


@NiallOffical is the worlds biggest douche, don't fall for his charms, he will ruin your life.

as I sat next to Luke I felt powerful, Like the world wouldn't hurt me anymore and that's how I wanted to feel.

Kaycie's POV

I was so upset, How could Patricia say that to me and Niall. Liam stood beside me and rubbed my back while I talked to Eleanor, The other boys, were getting ice for Niall. "are you okay?" I asked Niall, He nodded and said "I guess I deserved it, I did kiss her", I shook my head "not at all, you don't deserve that kind of treatment Niall, no one does" I said hugging him lightly. My phone pinged I saw Patricia's tweet. "are you kidding me right now" I said as I showed Liam and Niall her tweet.

"Kaycie, my darling, This is getting out of control, I know you love her but it's time for tough love, she is getting away with too much, and treating you and everyone around her like they are disposable" Liam said to me. I knew he was right, I had to show her tough love. she texted me just then

Patricia: I'm taking the plane with Luke tomorrow and then I'll be staying in a hotel until I leave. I'll come by to pack

Me: okay do whatever you feel you have too, use your money how you please. 

I showed Liam the text he nodded, "Kaycie, you can't worry about it really, you really need to just let it go, she will come around I promise" Liam said trying to comfort me, Liam always knew what to say he always did, it was part of his charm,"I know Liam, I'm fine, Niall though are you okay?", I said to him, He nodded "I'll be fine, Sorry all the trouble this caused" he said, I hugged him and said "Niall your Family to me, nothing you do causes trouble" When I pulled out of the hug he smiled and said "Thanks that means allot to me", "well Kaycie, are you ready to go back to the room, we have a long day full of travelling" Liam said grabbing me hand, I nodded and followed him back to the room.

We got to the room and Liam picked me up and bought me to the bed, It was magically. Liam was the perfect man, I really needed to appreciate him and the little things more. Graycie was at Lou's for the night so we didn't have to worry about her for tonight. "Liam, I know we didn't have a ton of time alone before graycie,in fact only 10 months but I really want to work on our relationship, and make this long lasting and just being a happy family", Liam smiled at me as we were laying in bed, "babe, you have no idea, This has been the hardest tour because I have been away from you and my daughter, you have been seriously great though it all babe, I want to just be with you and our baby and have family time, and alone time with just you so we can practice making Graycie some siblings" He said, I laughed "honey I think Graycie told me yesterday, she wants to have about 4 siblings but spread out, she wants to be at least 5" He nodded "Oh really, you must have misheard her, she said 5 months" he laughed as he flipped himself on top of me. "well a little practice doesn't hurt" I laughed as I pressed my lips tightly to his. 

We left early the next morning, and Patricia wasn't there. We left on the plane and were on it for 24 hours, we arrived home to paps surrounding the airport, we waved to fans and went home to sleep, even Graycie went to sleep. When I feel asleep this is how I wanted it to be, Liam and I are in bed, but I knew this was only temporary. 

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