Meet and greet

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Chapter 4 and all other chapters will be in present time.

Chapter 4

Kaycie's point of view

I was excited we were finally meeting one direction we needed this after months of sadness this would be a light in the sky for us. Even though I was a littler older than a normal directioner 23 I still was so in love with those boys especially Liam. We were walking down the familiar streets of Toronto towards the Rogers centre. We got there and followed the signs to sound check. We got to our seats and out come the boys, to loud screaming for just about 100 of us. The boys all did silly and sweet things but my eyes didn't leave Liam. Dare I say It but I swear I saw him staring back at me. Patricia and I were dancing and singing. From the corner of my eye I saw Liam say something to Paul and point us. I ignored it. After sound check Paul came up to Patricia and I and said" do you girls have meet and greet passes?" I said "yes" showing him the tag around my neck. He said "good then" and walked away. We looked at each other and said "that was strange".

As we were instructed we went to a backstage part of the venue with about 50 other girls and we stood in line waiting to go in as a small group to meet the boys. As we stood in line we were bursting with excitement. I couldn't wait to see them. Patricia reminded me " let's try really hard not to talk in our pretend British accents", I said to her "we shall try it's just their accents are so infectious". Next thing I know we are next. The security guard calls "next". We enter the room and put our cell phones on the table.

The line went Zayn, Niall, Harry , Louis and lastly was Liam. When we walked in Liam motioned to Paul and pointed to us and shook his head yes. I walked up to the boys as confidently as I could with Patricia standing right behind me. I said "hello Zayn, nice to meet you" he hugs me and says "quite nice to meet you love" next is Niall " he hugs me right away and says "your quite special I know already" I pulled out of the hug and said "thanks Niall" he looks down the line and winks at Liam. Next is Harry he pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back" he said "it's so nice to meet the girl Liam was starring at" he said in a laughing tone. Harry let me go I said "really? Don't toy with me" he said "never". Next was Louis. He pulled me into a one sided hug. He asked" are you single?" I said " yes but you have Eleanor" he says to me" oh dear I wasn't asking for me".next was Liam. I couldn't wait for this moment. Liam pulls me in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. My face instantly feels hot and red. He didn't let me out of the hug. He whispered very slowly in my ear " I'm going to change your life it you'd let me." I looked at him and said "how?". The photographer then said we need to do the picture. We got it a pose. Trisha was standing in between Niall and Harry and they had there arms around her smiling. And Zayn and Louis were in the middle doing a silly face. And there was Liam kissing my check. My face hurt from smiling. Just before we walked out Paul says to us " hang on girls Liam insists you wait here for him. We were pulled into a small room with couches and food.

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant