Getting to know you

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Patricia's POV

This is so strange I thought I'm sitting in a room with four of my idols sitting there sweating and my face so red. I felt like I should get to know them but then again I felt like I already knew them. I looked around, finally Harry breaks the silence, "so love can you tell us about yourself?". I look to the ground and up at Harry and I thought I need to tell them the truth I just have to I say to them looking at wall behind Harry who was sitting beside Zayn " well here it goes I'm 15 I don't go to school right now" Niall pipes in and says " why not your so young?" with a sandwich partially chewed in his mouth. " well" I start to continue " my dad, sister and brother died about 6 months ago." I see the shocked looks on their faces I'm trying to hold back the tears. Louis says "that's shit, do you mind us asking what happened and where is your mom?" Oh boy I thought here it goes. " they died in a car crash my dad was texting and driving and my mom she's crazy, that's why kaycie who was married to my brother takes care of me." I look and say " anything else you want to know?" They all kind of look stunned. Niall looks at me and says "yea but now your sitting here with us" with a huge smile on his face. I thought to myself could this be a fresh start?

Kaycie's POV

Liam is leading me a hallway, we get to a room that says one direction and underneath it says Liam Payne. He opens the door to a bland room that has a chair and mirror and a couch. He takes my hand and leads to the couch. We sit down close to each other but not too close. He keeps looking at me I break the silence " so you brought me back here to stare at each other" I laugh a little. Straight away he says " if your so keen on it tell me about your life" I look at him smile faintly, take a deep breath " well I'm 23 I'm from hamilton which is about an hour away. I don't work right now my job is taking care of Patricia. I was married to Patricia's brother. He, his sister Menika and his dad died in a car crash about 6 months ago." " I love cooking and baking and doing crafts." " and I can't believe that I'm actually talking to Liam Payne!" He smiles at me and puts his arm around my shoulder and says " I can't believe I'm talking to you, kaycie". I sighed deeply and he smiles at me and says " well I'll tell you about me" . I stop him by holding my hand out and say to him " I want you to tell me the real Liam not the magazine Liam because I know about that Liam".

Liam's POV

"Well" I say to her " then I'm sure you know about the basics name age blah blah, my past relationships also. What you don't know is that I don't do this. I don't pull fans out of sound check to bring them to my dressing room but I saw you and I just had to talk to you. There's just something in your eyes that says to me please get to know me". I saw her smile, her eyes twinkle when she did. I wanted to kiss her right then and there. Instead I put my hand on hers and said " please let me get to know you.," before she could answer there was a knock on the door. I answered it, it was Niall saying we had to get ready. Kaycie got up and said " I'll go find Trisha and we can take our seats". I said to her " during best song ever Paul will be bringing you backstage if your okay with that. I thought you and Trisha could spend some time with us after the concert." She smiled at me and said "absolutely", before she walked away she took my hand and said "can't wait for you to know me". That was it my heart melted I looked at nail he is saying " mate looks like your falling" I said to Niall "I hope so"

Kaycie's POV

I find Patricia sitting with Harry. She sees me and says " your smiling so big I can't wait to hear what happened". I nod to her and say bye to Harry we make our way to our seats. When we get there she says "'so am I going to get to know the boys more" I pat her on the back just as we hear the music for up all night come on and say "I hope so Trisha because I'm falling". The concert is great it felt like Liam was singing to me some of the parts. Like everyone else in the room wasn't there. I heard best song ever and Paul approached us and said "ready ladies". We followed backstage and onto the bus. This was strange. We waited about 15 mins to scared to even move, then I saw Liam rushing on the bus, he looks at me, smiles and gives me a hug. He whispers in my ear "spend the night getting to know me please" I hug tightly back and then pull away and say "as long I can know you too".

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora