I Love You

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Liam's POV

I woke up to smell of bacon cooking and a empty bed, I grabbed a shirt and pulled some pants on, I followed the smell to the kitchen where I saw Kaycie slaving over the stove with many thing on the go. I stood there watching her, she looked amazing, she was in her element you could tell, she had a million things on the go but no a worry line on her face. The table was even set, she saw me staring at her "hi babe, I'm sorry I woke you up", I walked over to her and said "you didn't, but do you need any help". "Well, you can tell people breakfast will be ready in about 10 minutes", I kissed her and did what she told me. I went to Patricia's room first which held Lottie,Fizzy and her, next was a guest room which contained Niall and Harry, then mum and dad in another room. I heard to door open and Louis being loud.

Kaycie had outdone herself. She made 2 kinds of bacon, 3 kinds of sausages, hash browns, potato pancakes, eggs 3 ways and 3 different kind of pancakes, all set up in a buffet style. Everyone was eating, it was loud, but I loved it. When I was with Sophia, only mum and dad would come over, she pushed everyone else out of our life and now I was getting them back tenfold. After breakfast everyone was leaving, I decided that Kaycie and I were taking Patricia to the eye of London with Lottie and Fizzy.

We got ready to go, the paps were all over from the minute we left the house. But nothing was putting a damper on Kaycie and Patricia's sprit, they were excited to go here and have been waiting to go here for awhile.

When we got there Kaycie and I got our own gondola. It was perfect. We got in and Kaycie was busy taking pictures of the London skyline, we took a picture of us in the eye, which I was going to share later with fans, but not until we left.

Kaycie's POV

This was a perfect moment, I have been waiting to go here forever and coming here with Liam was a little sweeter. I turned to him and hugged him tight and lightly kissed him on the lips and whispered "honestly Liam, I couldn't ask for anything better than this moment, right here with you, it's more than anything I could ever imagine, so thank you from the bottom of my heart Liam" she smiled placed his hands on my face and kissed me deeply, when he pulled away he said "thank you for making me the happiest man, and this moment is perfect". I smiled and kissed him deeply and said "I love you".

What the fuck did I just say to Liam, god damn it, I quickly said "sorry I didn't mean to say that, too early not the time" he was smiling, "don't smile" I said "I'm really embarrassed" I pouted. He pulled me close and said "Kaycie, I love you", my heart melted right there "really Li" I said. "Absolutely your mine and I love you" he answered, "well I love you too Liam" he smiled and hugged me and kissed me deeply.

When we got off the eye, I spotted Trisha and the girls waiting for us. I smiled big at her and whispered "he loves me", she smiled and hugged me and said "obviously" I laughed.

Liam went home because we had to meet Eleanor for some school shopping for Patricia. We meet El at the store and I told her and she said "it was obvious from the moment I saw him look at you" I smiled and told her thanks.

Clothes shopping for Patricia was pure terror, especially when there was something she Actually needed. We walked into the uniform store, and told the salesperson what school she would be attending. The salesperson pulled the school uniform. I knew as soon as I saw it, there's no way she's going to take this laying down.

" not a chance in hell I'm wearing that" Patricia said. I knew my only tactic would be Lottie and Fizzy. Lottie approached Patricia saying "we were the same thing it's not that bad" , "oh i beg to differ" said Patricia. After she tries it on she said it's disgusting and she hates everything about this you know teenage stuff. Eleanor laughed and said "remember those days".

Liam's POV

Kaycie and Patricia have just arrived home, I'm excited to see what they bought for school. "Hey ladies" I say helping them with the bags. "So how do you like the uniform?" I said with a little laugh. I saw Kaycie's head shaking no. "Oh you think, this is a god damn joke Liam, got news for you it's not" she said to me, "I was only asking, I hated my uniform" I told her. "Well I hate mine too and there's only one thing I hate more and that's that you are sending to boarding school" she said harshly. "Patricia, don't speak to him like that, you chose boarding school", Kaycie said to her. "Well, guess frigging what" she yelled to Kaycie "I don't want to go there anymore, and your not going to make me do anything I don't want to".

"Well" Kaycie said "I guess we can put off school for a little while, if you really don't want to go, it's going to be hard in a new country anyways". I saw a little smile coming from Patricia I had to say something "no absolutely not, you are going to school, the only reason, you don't want is because of a uniform, it's not happening, your going end of". Patricia screamed "your ruining my life and I hate you" slamming her bedroom door.

"I'm sorry" I told Kaycie, she smiled at me. "Don't be Liam" she said. She starts to explain "I know I'm a pushover when it comes to Patricia but she's had a rough time". I went over to and grabbed her shoulder "you don't need to be a pushover, but she needs discipline if she doesn't get it she will get worse, I know she's your sister but it's not excuse, she needs to be taught right and Wong, I may be approaching it badly but it needs to happen either way.

"I know" she sighed, "but your also not her father, you need to treat her more like guiding her into the right decision instead of pushing her into it". "Hmm makes sense I really need to start listening to you more" I said to her. She smiled at me, I had to ask her,I wanted her to be my children's mother. Right now is not the time after a fight with Patricia.

About 2 hours later, Kaycie talked to Patricia and she apologize very sarcastically, but she did it in end. We had a great little family night at home, ate dinner and watched movies.

The next morning nothing would have prepared me for what the newspaper said.

Dreams do come true (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now