Clubbing with a Champion (Tristan Thompson) -Dani-

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I was so happy to write this one because Tristan Thompson is one of my absolute favourites. Everyone who has me added on Snapchat knows that he's my big teddy bear. So thanks for requesting exquisitethoughts ! You're the absolute sweetest and I hope you enjoy! (:

-Dani's POV-

"Dani, I'm here!" I groaned, sitting up the couch. I was just relaxing for a bit before the interruption.

Someone was knocking on my apartment door. But soon I realized who it was and quickly went to the door to open it.

My best friend, Kyrie Irving, immediately hugged me. "Kyrie, you won!"I exclaimed.

The Cavaliers just came back to Cleveland after beating the Warriors in the NBA Finals.

Kyrie mumbled,"I know. It's still so unreal."

I pulled away from the hug and kissed his cheek. "I'm so proud of you,"I smiled.

"We're celebrating tonight. You gotta come with me, Dani,"Kyrie insisted. "Uh, sure. But where?"I asked.

He answered,"A club, obviously. Everyone's gonna be going crazy tonight." I laughed and agreed to go with him to the club.

That night, I put on a tight, black dress along with some matching heels. My makeup looked really good, as well as my hair. I was very proud of my look.

Kyrie groaned from the living room,"Dani, I've been waiting forever. Hurry up please." I laughed, grabbing my phone and walking out of the room.

When Kyrie saw me, his jaw dropped. "Lord, thank you for making my best friend so damn gorgeous,"he mumbled, just staring at me.

I threw a pillow at him, laughing. "Stop being so damn creepy."

Kyrie chuckled, standing up. He offered me his arm. "Let's go, shall we?" "We shall."

The club was extremely loud, especially because of a certain team who wouldn't stop screaming and cheering. But hey, who could blame them?

Kyrie took my hand and pushed through a crowd of people chanting his name. Oh yes, the perks of helping carry a team to a championship.

-Tristan's POV-

My man Kyrie came up to Iman and I as we were drinking by the bar. "Hey man,"I said, dapping him up. "Wassup?"he replied before dapping up Iman.

I noticed a lady behind Kyrie. She was absolutely beautiful. And she was giving me the sweetest smile.

I scooted over to her. "Hi, I'm Tristan,"I introduced, holding out my hand.

She shook it. "I'm Dani, a friend of Kyrie's."

"That's cool. Can I buy you a drink?"I asked. She shook her head. "No, it's okay. I don't want to get drunk,"she laughed, making me smile.

"You're super cute,"I complimented, causing her to blush. "Thanks Tristan. You ain't bad yourself,"she replied.

I chuckled before being pushed out of the way by Kyrie. "Hey, you leave my best friend alone, Tristan,"he said.

"Man, fuck outta here. We're just talking,"I responded. Dani giggled and added,"Kyrie, it's okay. I'm just getting to know one of your teammates."

Kyrie sighed. "Okay, whatever. I'll be around here if you need me, Dani. I'm going to go meet up with some people." She nodded before turning her attention back to me.

"You want to dance?"she questioned.

I nodded, holding out my hand. "Let's do it."

-Dani's POV-

Tristan and I danced for a while, and it was super fun. I definitely felt myself warming up to him. He just gave off such a fun vibe.

After my feet started hurting, Tristan led me to the bar. I sat on one of the stools. Tristan sat beside me.

"You want a drink now?"he asked. I shook my head and replied,"Nope, still don't want to be drunk."

Tristan called a bartender over and ordered himself a drink and then glanced at me before adding something else.

As the bartender walked away, I questioned,"What did you say at the end there?"

He shrugged,"I just ordered you a soda." I smiled at his thoughtfulness. "Thank you,"I said. "No problem,"he replied as the drinks came.

I sipped on the Coca-Cola, watching people going crazy in the club. It was quite entertaining.

"Hey, you wanna go over to my place?"Tristan offered.

I was seriously considering it, but in the end, I had to say,"I wish I could, but no. I have to stay with Kyrie."

"Aw man, that sucks. Guess we'll have to stay here then,"he decided. I laughed, shaking my head.

Tristan and I spent so long just talking and getting to know each other. He was hilarious and couldn't stop making me smile. I really liked his personality and his looks definitely helped. I mean, just look at those dimples.

After a long ass time, I decided I should find Kyrie and go home. "Tristan, I should go now. I had a great time with you. It was super nice meeting you,"I said, standing up.

He stood up as well. "Wait, before you leave, can I have your number?"

"Of course,"I replied. I put my number into his phone and handed it back to him.

"Thanks. And uh, if it's not too much, maybe we can go on a date?"Tristan nervously asked.

I smiled at his sudden shyness. "Of course! Call or text me and we'll set it up."

Tristan and I exchanged our goodbyes before I walked away. I found Kyrie drunk out of his mind and had to take his ass home.

I didn't mind much though, because all I could think about was Tristan.

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