Chapter 71

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The beast was unleashed the minute Alessio realized they had been led into a trap.  That bastard Lantana was going to wish for death before he was through with him.  There would be no mercy, no quick death.  It would be slow, painful and drawn out.

Lorenzo drove them like a bat out of hell to get back to the house, the other heads following as well.  This would be the official command center and it would be good having all the other families here as he would have trouble concentrating.

Once everyone was assembled into the basement meeting room,  Alessio sat down, pulled out a cigarette and lit it.  He already looked worn out and the day really had yet to begin.

Lorenzo was taking charge, for now, until he noticed a change in Lorenzo's voice.  "Sal, pull up all security footage, from here, around the time I spoke to Tommaso last" he directed.  

Turning to Alessio, Lorenzo broke the news.  "Tommaso and Cheri never made it to the safe house.  The BMW was found and it had been broadsided from both sides, in the rear.  No sign of them anywhere."

His boss stood up, put out his cigarette and buttoned up his jacket and straightened his tie.  "Gentlemen,  this changes everything now.  My wife is pregnant and that prick has her and my Capo.  I need everyone at the top of their game.  We need clear heads and we need to check out and look at every piece of footage, analyze it and find out where they are."

Renzo walked back over to Alessio, leaned in and whispered "You need to come upstairs.  Cassidy is here and she's freaking out."  His boss nodded, telling him to keep the men busy and let him know what the security tapes showed, if anything useful at all.

When he got to the top of the steps, he could hear Cassidy and it sounded like she'd been crying.  "Sal, why won't you tell me anything?" she asked tearfully and then she saw Alessio.

"What's going on, Alessio?  I've been trying to get a hold of Tommaso all morning.  It's not like him to not answer" she told him.  Taking her gently by the elbow, he led her to his study.

"Cassidy, Tommaso and Cheri have been taken by their father, Frank Lantana.  We are doing everything we can to find them.  If you want to stay, you need to keep busy and stay out of the way.  If not, I will have Sal take you home and stay with you until we get some news."

"I'll stay" she said quietly.  "I'll just be in the kitchen fixing food for everyone."  Alessio patted her cheek and said "Good girl.  We'll find them" he promised, then turned and headed back for the basement.

When Alessio returned to the basement, the looks he received told him that something very serious had transpired while he was speaking with Cassidy.

"Boss" Lorenzo started.  "It's not good.  He's got Cheri and Tommaso."  Alessio clinched his fist, knocked a bunch of papers and other items off his desk and yelled "Fuck!"

"I want to see" he said after calming down somewhat.  Lorenzo pulled up the security footage from the mansion and no one in the room recognized the two men that Tommaso believed worked for him.

Then the footage of the intersection where the BMW was rammed showed the same two men pulling up once his car had been stopped.  His blood boiled when he saw one of the men take an unconscious Cheri from the car, her hair all down in her face.  

They weren't as gentle with Tommaso and he could feel Lorenzo stiffen next to him as the word 'fanculo' left his lips.

The room fell quite as everyone tried to take in what they had just been witness to, but before that could happen Alessio's phone rang.  It was an unknown number marked as 'Private'.  His heart quickened as he hit the 'Answer' button.

There were two videos side-by-side.  One showed two men beating the shit out of Tommaso, his face bloodied and he could hardly hold his head up and the other video showed his wife and the mother of his child being smacked around.

His breath hitched as he saw one man go to punch her in the stomach and in that split second Cheri must have realized it as well because she leaned forward, to protect her belly, and everyone in the room heard a gut wrenching snap as her shoulders dislocated.

He'll never forget her scream nor the vision of her passing out hunched over.  Then he heard Lantana's cold voice pierce through the air.

"Castellano, this will be the last you will see of your wife and her bastard brother if you don't meet my demands.  I will not have any issues sending you more descriptive videos if you choose to ignore me" his laughter was all they heard as the video faded out.

"Fuck!" Lorenzo screamed out.  Alessio walked over to his under boss and putting both hands on his shoulders he told him "Save the anger.  Use it.  It will make you powerful and easier for you to get your revenge.  Emotions serve no purpose.  Not yet.  There will be time for those when Cheri and Mas are back home."

Lorenzo knew it was taking everything Alessio had to control himself and if he could do it, then so could he.  "What's the plan?" Lorenzo asked while his boss gathered everyone around.

"Sal, I know what I am getting ready to ask of you will be difficult, but I need someone who is tech savvy and that we trust.  I need for you to go through that video footage again.  Frame by frame if necessary.  See if you can pick up on any surroundings that look familiar, any noises that will help us figure out where they are."  Salvatore nodded and set off to fulfill his difficult task.

Alessio knew looking around the room, that he had all the man power he would need to bring his family home, he just hoped they would be in time.  Then he had a thought, a thought that took him back to one of the many conversations he'd had with Cheri.

"When we were on tour I was always losing or misplacing my cell phone so Boss told me about the Locate Your Phone app..." he could still hear her words and he snapped for Sal.

The man was in front of him in seconds.  "Are you familiar with a locate your phone app?" he asked his man.  Salvatore nodded.  "It's a chance, a small one but we aren't leaving any stone unturned" Alessio told him.

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