Chapter 72

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Cheri cried out in pain as she tried to sit up but couldn't.  It was her shoulders, they didn't feel right and no matter what she did, the pain was astronomical.  But she would go through it again to save her baby from being targeted.

Through the fog of pain, Cheri realized that she wasn't alone and when she tried to move her head to get a better look, she found even that hurt too much.

"That was a really stupid thing you did, princepessa" an accented voice called from the dark corner of the room.  "Brave, but stupid" he commented again.  "Please" she sniffed.  "May I have some water?"

She heard the man shuffle around some, then footsteps and then dress shoes were in front of her.  "I can fix your shoulders.  It's gonna hurt like fuck but it's better than what you're dealing with now" he told her.

"Won't you get into trouble?" she asked weakly, her body trying to disappear on her again.  "Frank?" the man laughed.  "No, fiore.  I won't get into trouble.  Besides, he's not here" the man replied.

He continued to talk to her while undoing her ropes.  She figured he was trying to keep her awake.  "Why did you do it?" he asked, still working on the massive knot of rope.  "I'm scared to tell you" Cheri answered honestly.

"Don't be" was his answer.  "I will keep it as my little secret."  Somehow she made a decision to trust this man, so she told him.  "The other man that was in here earlier hitting me, he was about to punch my stomach."  Cheri got no further.

"How far along with child are you?" he asked, concern in his voice.  "Six weeks" she barely answered.  "Fanculo" he cursed.  Finally getting the ropes off, he asked if she needed to say anything else because when he finished with her, she would pass out from the pain.

"M-yy brother" she stuttered.  "Tommaso.  Is he...?" she wasn't sure if she wanted to know or not.  "He lives" the man told her.  She broke down and sobbed at the news.  "Anything else?" he asked impatiently.

"Why are you helping me?" she asked.  He leaned down and whispered in her ear.  "Because I am part of Don Bonatti's crew and you will be rescued soon."  And with that he pulled back on her right shoulder popping it into place.

Her screams could be heard echoing through out the room and then nothing.  She'd passed out again.  "I'm sorry, tesoro" he said as he repeated the same thing on her other shoulder and once that was done, he picked her up and laid her on the cot next to the chair.

Picking up his phone, he dialed a number.  A disembodied voice answered, dispatched instructions and then hung up.  He had one more call to make.  Bonatti had one more undercover in there and he was with Tommaso.

Cheri slowly opened her eyes, realizing she was in the same room but at least not tied to the chair.  As she tried to move her arms, she cried out at the tremendous pain she felt from such a little movement.

"You'll hurt for a while" her hero's voice rang out from the corner, just like before.  "You're still here?" she asked, the surprise in her voice not lost on him.

"I'm here until Don Castellano gets here" he answered.  "Would you like that water now?" he asked.  She nodded and watched him come from the shadows.  "Let me help you sit up" he said.

She was surprised to see a man, not much older than her, very tall, dark hair and penetrating black eyes.  He was very handsome and intimidating at the same time.  

He twisted off the cap to a bottle of water and held it to her lips.  She drank gratefully from the bottle and finished it off.  "Holy Mary" she breathed.  "Thank you" she said politely.

"What's your name?" Cheri asked.  The man just stared at her.  "Why?" he questioned.  "It's simple really" Cheri began.  "I would like to properly thank my savior" she said honestly.

"Joey.  Joey Sazza" he replied.  "Cheri Castellano" she said furnishing her name.  "I know who you are" he answered, smiling.  "Your husband saved my life and the lives of my boss and the other families.  This is just our way of repaying him for his loyalty.  Plus, we hate Lantana and want him gone as much as you do."

Cheri took in everything that Joey told her and nodded.  She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes, trying very hard not to think about the pain she was in.  She managed to move her hands a little from her lap to her belly, where they came to rest there.  And then she started to sing softly.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word.  Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.  And if that mockingbird don't sing, mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring" then she continued humming until she finished the song.

"Daddy's gonna be here soon, my little fiore" she said to her belly.  Resting her head against the wall again, she closed her eyes once more.  "You are going to be a good mother" Joey told her.  Cheri smiled and said "I hope so.  I had a great role model."  She was referring to Rosalia Lantana.

"Cheri?" Joey called out to her.  "Yes?" she answered.  "Your husband should be here in about an hour.  It's almost over" he told her.  She couldn't help the tears that started running down her face at his words.  "Thank you Joey" she mumbled, sleep taking her again.

She woke with a start, trying to remember where she was and then it all came back to her.  She looked over and noticed that Joey had dozed off in his chair and she decided to let him sleep.

Looking down at her wedding rings, she was consumed with images of her husband and what it was going to be like seeing him again.  She had no idea how long she'd been there but it felt like days.

Joey's phone ringing brought him out of his slumber as he reached for it and answered it.  "Si?" he said.  "Si, Don Bonatti.  We'll be ready" he said and hung up.  Turning to her, he was about to give her the best news ever.

"Your husband is on his way and they have captured Lantana.  It's over for you Cheri.  For you and Tommaso" he told her.  Letting her head fall forward, Cheri wept silently, only her shaking shoulders gave her emotions away.

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