#24 Ross Imagine: Photograph

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A/N: I was inspired to right this because of something on Tumblr. And I recommend listening to Photograph while reading this. Just for more feels!

You sat on your bed looking through your social media. You came across a video on Instagram that was apparently making the internet go hysterical . It was him playing his guitar and he sang a song, at the end he said,"Miss you (Y/N), if you get lonely just lay your head down and take in your surroundings", he blew you a kiss and that was it.

You smiled and thought what that meant. You just sat in your bed and felt a sudden tear drop go down your face, you wiped it away. You hadn't realized that you had began crying A LOT! You finally went into hysteric sobs, you then remembered what Ross said to do. You just laid down, but you've been lying on Ross's pillow since he left, so you did. You immediately felt something under your head that you hadn't felt before. You looked under the pillow and found a photo album, in familiar scrawny hand writing it read For: (Y/N) From: Rossy Bear inside a camera lens. You smiled and thought of how you loved calling him that.

You opened the book that was nicely decorated. The caption to each picture was a lyric from Photograph by Ed Sheeran. You looked at one that you and Ross had taken for a photo shoot for Tiger Beat, it was you both nose to nose in the rain on a Polaroid with the caption, Holding me closer till our eyes meet. You felt another tear and wiped it away while smiling. Another one was of when Ross was putting a promise ring on your finger even though it wasn't a necklace the caption read, Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen. Even though you're not sixteen! ;) You smiled at his corniness, and by now the tears were streaming down your face. You looked at another of you grabbing his face right before you pulled him in for your first kiss with the caption, When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me. You smiled at how clear he was making it. You flipped to the last page with one picture, but it was fully decorated. The picture was of you two looking at a Polaroid of you two. You smiled and then looked at the caption that was, We made these memories for ourselves.

A/N: What'd everyone think? 

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