Tony Stark x Reader

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"Come on, Tony. Don't you want a Christmas tree?" You ask for the millionth time. "A real one?"
"For some reason I feel like you really want a real Christmas tree." He says.
"I do!"
"All right, baby. You want it, you got it. When do you want to go get one?"
"Whenever." You smile sweetly, kissing his cheek.
"All right. Let's go, then."
"I knew you loved me somewhere deep down inside." You grin and follow him out.
"Very deep." He assures you.
You drive for an hour before getting to the Christmas Tree Farm. You walk around for about half an hour before Tony points at one and says, "That one!"
"Okay." You agree.
"Aren't you glad we took my truck and not one of your little tiny cars?" You smile as the tree's loaded into it.
"Yeah, well. Keys?"
You roll your eyes and give him the keys. "Control freak." You mutter, just loud enough for him to hear, as he drives away.
"Yes I am." He agrees.
"I'll decorate the tree, you put up Christmas lights." You say when you get back to the house.
"Christmas lights?" He asks, not sounding thrilled. "But we already have stockings and a real Christmas tree!"
"Pleaaaase, Tony?"
When you're finished decorating the tree (very nicely, if you do say so yourself), you go out to check Tony's progress. You find him staring at the house, his arms crossed. "What's wrong, babe?" You ask.
"They aren't working." He scowls. He unplugs, plugs, and repeats.
"I have doctorates and I can't make freaking Christmas lights work?" He snaps to himself.
"Well, did you plug it into the house?" You suggest.
"Of course I did! Do you think I would do all this crap and not do that?"
You go to check anyways.
"Tony! Come here!" You call from the side of the house.
He comes over, childishly angry. "Oh." He says quietly, and plugs the extension chord into the outlet.
Surprise surprise, the lights come on. "Must've come unplugged when I was pulling on it." He mumbles.
You smile and pull him by the hand back around the house. "It looks beautiful." You smile, kissing his cheek.
He turns his head so that you kiss his lips instead. "Not near as beautiful as you." He says.
"That's cheesy."
"Yes it was. But true, nevertheless."
"Come see my tree." You smile.

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