Chapter 14

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Yay! Another chapter. I might update again today just because I'm excited about the next chapter. So enjoy and let me know what you think! You guys have been amazing readers, thank you!


Nomad Rule #4: Keep a clear head

**| Sang's POV |**

"Sang," Luke tapped my shoulder.

I blinked sleepy eyes at him. I was in that weird state of being half asleep where reality felt like a dream.


He pointed below us.

An older man walked into the alley, another following behind. I recognized the skittishness in his movements, the way his limbs jerked, the paranoia in the way his head moved.

"Ignore them," I whispered sleepily, wanting to go back to dream land. Instead, I straightened, stretching out my back and rubbing at my eyes to wake up.

"What are they doing?" Gabriel asked.

"You are about to witness a sell," I said, my heart going out to the nomad getting his fix. If he had the will to clean up, he could probably get off the streets but drugs and alcohol made that difficult to anyone who fell into addiction. "This is the worst night for him to get high."

"Why?" Marc asked.

"The men are reason enough. Nomad rule number four: keep a clear head. You can't do that when you're high or drunk. Without a clear head, you can't react properly at a moment's notice."

The nomad got his drugs and then took off. The drug dealer waited a moment before going out onto the streets to walk around his area. I recognized him as one of Rocky's men. No doubt if he knew I was around, he would tell Rocky and then Rocky would be here trying to corner me.

An hour later we got our break.

"There," I said, pointing to three guys walking around, eyes aware as they scoped the area around. The fire escape we were on overlooked a parking lot tucked in the middle of four buildings. We had a clear view of the lot and two of the alleys. They were coming in from the road to the right.

"They look like your every day thugs," Gabriel whispered.

"They are. They aren't smart but they know how to take people and they are good at it," I whispered back.

The first man was the one that was around six feet tall with broad shoulders and a massive chest. He was the hairless man with no eyebrows and a shaved head.

The second man was the lean one with blond hair and a mean glint in his eyes.

The third man had dark curls falling around his forehead with a piercing through his eyebrow. He had an unlit cigarette in his mouth as they talked and walked around. They came in, walked around the parking lot before disappearing into one of the alleys.

"So we just follow them?" Luke asked.

I nodded and he smirked.

"I'll get started then."

Before I could say anything, Luke was gone and I was left gaping after him. I could barely see him in the shadows, despite his blond hair. I could only make him out because I knew he was there. I didn't hear him at all. He was as good as I was.

Marc chuckled. "Luke is good when it comes to sneaking around. Come on, let's follow. Luke will leave us clues."

He followed after Luke, not as quiet as he was. Gabriel stayed behind me so I was sandwiched between the two of them as we went down the fire escape.

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