3 ~ Neville

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You're looked around the common room. It was warm and comfortable. The red couches and chairs were spreading nicely across the room. A fireplace was warming the room. You smiled and looked around. 

'Well, this is the common room, Y/N.' Harry smiled. 

'So, if you follow me, we can look for your room in the girls' dorm.' Hermione smiled.

You nodded and followed her up the stairs. She opened the door and looked in the rooms.

'Y/N! We're sharing!' Hermione smiled.

You walked into the room and saw saw a nice room with four beds. You saw your trunks. You grabbed your dragon from your pocket and placed him on your bed. He looked at you and made some happy sounds. You walked towards the chair and saw the rest of your school outfit.

'It's so amazing here, Hermione.' You smiled.

'It's home for us. I'm happy you like it.'

She sat down on our bed.

'We share our room with Lavender and Parvati. Two other Gryffindor girls. They aren't here much. Parvati usually hangs out with her twin Padma and Lavender... I don't know what's she's up to.' Hermione sighed.

You sat down on your bed and your dragon climbed in your lap.

'Is that... a dragon?'

You looked up and saw a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a bow in her hair.

'Yes.' You smiled.

'Y/N, this is Lavender Brown. Lavender, this is Y/N Y/L.'

'Hi... why do you have a dragon?' She asked. 'That isn't on the list of animals... is it?'

'He's mine... I couldn't leave him at my muggle parents. That wouldn't have been good.' You explained.

'Well... as long as he doesn't set the castle on fire.'

'He won't.' You laughed and you pet him on his head.

'What class did you pick, Y/N?'

'I have a free period. I didn't want to choose Devination or Ancient runes.'

'That's so nice.'

You nodded and got up. You grabbed your pyjama and put it on. You yawned and Hermione also got dressed. Parvati walked in. She had black hair, a slightly darker skin and brown eyes.

'Oh... hello. Y/N... right?' She asked.

You nodded and laid down in your bed. Your dragon laid down near you head on the pillow. You pet him and Hermione laid down. Her cat laid down on the end of the bed.  You closed your eyes.


You walked towards the forest. You had a free period now and your next class would be here.

'Hello, Y/N.' Hagrid smiled.

You turned around, and your eyes widened, and your mouth dropped.

'Hagrid! Is that...'

'A hippogriff.' He smiled. 'Beautiful, isn't he?' He asked. 'His name is buckbeak.'

You nodded.

'I've read all about them.' You smiled. 'May I?' You asked.

'Watch out, please.' He smiled.

You nodded. You looked at Buckbeak and bowed down.

'Y/N... how do ye-'

'I just know. I've read it.' You smiled.

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