23 ~ weird feelings

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Hi guys!

So I'm planning on just taking the main events from the 4th movie. In the fifth year things with Draco start to unfold so I want to get through this as quickly as I can! Just stay with me please 💚

Lots of love!


The entire great hall was filled with chatting and students. You were sitting next to Cedric at one of the tables.

'Sit down, please, sit down.' Dumbledore spoke.

Everyone sat down. You nervously grabbed Cedric's hand. The champions would be announced today.

'Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: the champion selection.' Dumbledore spoke.

Moved his hand through the room, dimming the fire in the lamps on the walls. He walked towards the cup and placed his hands on it. Then he stepped back. The blue flame became red and shot out a paper.

'The Durmstrang champion is.... Viktor Krum!'

Everyone applauded and he stepped forwards to shake Dumbledore his hand. You grabbed Cedric's hand again. Another paper shot from the goblet. Dumbledore grabbed it.

The champion for Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!'

A applause echoed through the great hall and Fleur stepped forwards. Then the final paper shot out. You looked at Cedric and he shortly pressed his lips against yours.

'The Hogwarts champion is...'

Your heart was racing and you were almost praying that it wasn't Cedric.

'Cedric Diggory!'

Your heart sank. You let go of his hand and all his friends cheered and everyone applauded. Cedric passed you a small smile and got up to walk to the front.

'Excellent! Now we've got our three champions! But in the end... only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice  of champions... this vessel of victory... the Triwizard cup!'

A blanket was pulled up form something and you saw a big cup with blue accents. Snape stepped forwards a bit confused. Hagrid seemed to notice something two. The goblet... the flame was growing. Dumbledore turned around and walked towards it. The flame grew red and another paper flew from it.

'Harry Potter...'

What? Harry? No... no way. He was underaged!

'Harry Potter?' He asked.

Everyone looked at Harry who looked at Dumbledore terrified and in confusion.


Ron pushed Harry towards the front. He stepped forwards and sounds of protest were heard...


You walked out of the great hall without looking at annoy one. All you heard around you was:

'Y/N! Good job girl.'
'See that girl? She dating a champion.'


You just kept walking. You couldn't believe Cedric was chosen... this was so dangerous.  Someone grabbed your wrist. You turned around and saw Neville. 

'Are you alright Y/N?' Neville asked.

You looked at him and shook your head you stepped closer him and he gave you a hug. You hugged him back.

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