Momotarou Mikoshiba x Reader (fluffy){Requested}

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I never thought a guy could be so beautiful. Until I met Momotarou, he is a beautiful human being. Maybe I'm biased because I have a little crush on him. When I first came to this school, he showed me around and hung out with me. We talked about any and everything just about and became close friends. I just wish that we were more than that.

I walked out of my dorm and roamed the hallways. It was usually quiet after school. The quiet helps me collect my thoughts and clear my head, especially when I start to stress. I kept walking and took out my phone getting a text from Momo. It read, "Hey, could you meet me in my dorm in a few?"

I typed back, "Sure, I'll be there shortly."

He responded, "Great, see you there 😉."

I blushed a little and started walking to his dorm room. I knocked lightly and the door pushed forward. 'Its already open?' I asked myself. I walk in and see roses on the ground and a note on the floor saying to turn around. I turn to meet Momo's eyes with mine. Those beautiful orange eyes.

"(Name), I have liked you for a very long time and I want to know if you will be my girlfriend?" He said smiling softly.

I become very flustered and tears fill my eyes and I nod saying, "yes!"

He cups my face and wipes my tears, "Why are you crying?"

I sniff holding my hand over his, "I'm so happy, I really like you!" I say smiling.

He smiles, holding me close to him. He leans down slightly and places his lips on mine. I pressed my lips against his. We both pulled away slowly. My face forming a huge smile. I thought to myself, 'I finally have the guy I like, this is the best feeling in the world!'

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