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This is not VKOOK. BUT. 1) it is pretty bad 

2) It is important to the relationship between Seokjin and Jung kook. :D -Author

Jinyoung raised his hands prepared impact but he received nothing. He opened his eyes and saw a tall figure standing in front him. 

"Choi Seungcheol don't forget your place. You might be an angel, but I am a millennium older than you. I taught you how to fight, and I think you shouldn't abuse the ability like that."


The red head retracted his hand and turned towards Jinyoung. There was a black wall surrounding them and Seungcheol crashed into the magical wall, a ripple could be seen on the wall. Another ripple appeared when Seungcheol crash into the wall again. Mark pulled Jinyoung up and smiled.

"You are such an idiot, letting Jung kook tapping into your reserves." Mark scolded with a smile, it looked unnerving but Jinyoung smiled back. " You don't want to live?"

Seungcheol went for Jung kook, who was till unconscious. The angel grabbed the human's shirt collar and flew up high, as high as the huge chandelier hanging above.

"Listen up, you move and I drop him. " Seungcheol threatened, smiling down at the two shadowmen. Mark balled his fists and took a step forward. "I said do not move! Kim Mingyu!"

Upon command, another angel appeared behind Jinyoung.

"Hello, dear Jinyoung." Mingyu said, smiling cheerily and bowing.

Jinyoung turned his attention back to Jung kook and saw the younger twitching in the air and Suengcheol threw him into the empty air, and two pairs of crystal shackles secured Jung kook's wrist and ankles. Th human was hung in the air like a trophy. Mark squinted at the wall behind the flying angel as if he was expecting something. Jinyoung could see a few moving shadows zipping from corner to corner. It was almost unnoticeable.

"Behind you! Seungcheol!" Mingyu shout, deploying his wings and flying up high to join his brother.

Seungcheol turned and saw them then. Silent as beetles, the shadowmen dispersed and went to take over a wall or hide in the corner. 

More followed, slipping from doorways and corners. Under cover of the huge shadows from wings , the group had stalked in, unseen, converging from three directions. One flew out its hiding place, Jinyoung didn't know who it was, but kept his mouth shut.

He carried one knife on each of his hands and dove for Mingyu, his feet landed on the blue haired angel first and drove his knives down his back, keeping one fixed on his neck, both of them crashed into the ground.

"Yugyeom?!" Jinyoung exclaimed. And the younger smirked and as he kept his foot on the angel's head. He tugged his knife free but didn't take his eyes away from the fallen angel. "Where's the others?! Why are alone out here?!"

"Can you shut the f*ck up and focus on saving the poor son of b*tch hung up there?" Yugyeom cursed, his foul mouth sparring out curse words like that was no tomorrow at all. Jinyoung turn towards Seungcheol was seemed to be surrounded, with Jackson, Bambam , Youngjae and Jaebum. The four others stood in a circle and successfully caged the fire angel.

The angel seemed to not have back up either. Mark joined his troop and got to Seungcheol's face, balling his fists and hitting it hard. Jinyoung could picture the jaw cracking and going slack. Seungcheol stumbled backward and motioned something with his hand. Jinyoung's head turned towards Jung kook and saw the crystal cracking up, the human's legs were free and dangling freely.

THE BOY WHO DROWNED (VKOOK)// COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now