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The only thing Jung kook could see then was pure black, and yet he still could see something moving. He was aware that his eyes were closed, his body asleep, but he was still in a panicky mode. His body reacting whenever there was a sound.

And yet he couldn't seem to open his eyes and observe his surroundings.

He felt someone warm on his forehead. Warm and wet, it was soft too. It carried a herbal scent that Jung kook wasn't too familiar with. His eyes fluttered open and he was met with a blurry auburn colored hair.

Memories flooded back and Jung kook's eyes flew open he immediately ripped the towel off his forehead and threw it away. The towel hits Jisoo's chest and Jung kook rushed to get up. But blood flooded to his brain and he began to feel light headed. He grabbed his head as it turned heavy.

"Shit." He cursed.

He hugged his head and drew back his legs, bringing them to his chest. He could feel something else. His body, his entity, fading away. He closed his eyes and let his mind go free.

That was a mistake.

He saw his mother. A woman drifting further away from him. He tried to grab for her, tried to scream out for help, but his throat wouldn't work. She disappeared in a flash. Next was a shattered glass bottle, vision tinted with a slight red. The shattered green glass reflecting a bloodied hand and red liquid flooded over the object, changing scene again.

He came face to face with little Hoseok and Jinyoung. The two holding hands and smiling. They wore winter coats, Jinyoung had a dark blue one and Hoseok wore an oversized green one. Hoseok had a teddy bear with him, one too large fro his tiny hands. 

"Where are we going?" Hoseok asked Jinyoung. 

"Somewhere fun, of course. How about let's go to hyung's house and play? " Jinyoung suggested. 

"Can we go to the river and catch fish too?" Hoseok pleaded. 

"Of course. If it is not frozen over, then of course!" 

The scene faded away.

Jung kook was met with Taehyung standing at a secluded bridge. Dressed in white and black, an old jacket was thrown over his outfit. He blended into the dark sky which was dotted with stars. Fireworks ignited, bursting with colors. Red, blue, orange and pink. The brunette was looking at Jung kook, his lips stretching into a smile.

The firework colors were reflected in Taehyung's eyes, who turned around and swung one leg across the railings. He climbed over the railings and stood at the edge, his arms out and wind messing up his hair. Jung kook wanted to call out for him, drag him back but he couldn't. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak. He could only watch.

Just like he always did.

Just watch and let the things happen.

Another firework was shot into the sky, blinding Jung kook. He blinked and as the light cleared, Taehyung was gone. 




Jung kook wants to scream. He just witness someone committing suicide right in front of his eyes. And he just stood there, witnessing it happening. The spirit rubbed his eyes and he could hear someone calling his name, it was faint but it was enough to pull him out of the deadly trance. 

"You were mumbling like a mad man. I thought you were hallucinating." Jisoo said. 

"I...Juh-Jisoo...I...Who...Who am I?" Jung kook asked, his hand grabbing onto his own shirt. His fist placed near his heart, he couldn't feel any beatings coming from his heart. There wasn't the hammering feeling he was so used to before. He couldn't feel the butterflies in his stomach whenever he thought of Taehyung, the usual fluttering was gone. "A-Am I alive or duh-dead?" 

"You are neither. You are just... forgotten." Jisoo replied with a monotonous voice. " You should know by now... that... your mother no longer knows you. Your bullies no longer recognize you and no one other than entities and special cases can see you. You are officially wiped away from the face of the earth." 

The truth hits hard. 

Like a truck running over Jung kook multiple times, over and over again. 

Jung kook looked at Jisoo with frightened eyes, his whole being shaking. "Can you make Taehyung forget about me too?" 

"That is not in my power. I am not supposed to help you, I am supposed to kill you. " Jisoo retorted, lowering his eyes to his feet. He could hear the angel sigh, Jung kook swore that the room turned colder by a few degrees. He had to grab the blanket and drape it over his shoulders, his skin reacting to the material. Jung kook shivered and grabbed onto the covers tightly. He heard a soft ringing and the angel turned, his eyes narrowing at the door. He got to the windows and peeked out of the curtains, sunlight bleeding in and shone onto the angel's white skin.

 Jung kook clambered out of bed, but his legs gave out. He tumbled to the ground and fell on his cheek, bringing the blanket and a few pillows with him. He could hear footsteps coming towards him and he looked up face to face with a smirking Jisoo. He grabbed Jung kook's arm and pulled him up to his feet. 

"Someone is here. And I think they might want to see you. "

"You make it sound like you know what is going on." Jung kook accused.

"False accusation is wrong and it is a sin, Jung kook. Be careful of what you say." Jisoo scolded, getting to the door. "Wait for me in the living room."

And with that, the angel was gone.

Jung kook left on his own, his feet cold from the lack of socks. He took his time to look around. He was in a fairly large master bed room, there were bottles of medicine and herbs strewn around the ground and the tables fixed on the walls. Jung kook went out of the room, his body got a electric shook as his feet stepped onto the cold marble.

He could hear bickering downstairs, furniture legs scraping the ground.


"You need time Taehyung, you must overcome the initial shock."

Jung kook peeped around the corner, his feet stepping down onto the fist step of the staircase. He peeked down and could see two figures in the living room, Jisoo and another man.

"Taehyung please, you may not be ready to see him." Jisoo pleaded again.

"LET ME SEE JUNG KOOK ! I HAVE TO KNOW!" Taehyung shouted. Jung kook jumped, he had never seen the brunette so angry before. The spirit swallowed thickly, his heart thumping against his chest. Jung kook retreated back to room, closing and locking the door in front of him. He looked around, finding a closet and pulled opened the latch. He got a fresh set of clothing and quickly changed. He looked at himself and was pretty unsure what he would do next. Escape? Face Taehyung?

"What am I going to do?" He asked himself, the mirror reflecting his every move. From fiddling with the hem of the clothing to his eyes darting around like a scared bunny.

His ears picked up a sound, footsteps. They were coming closer and closer by the second. Jung kook cannot think straight, he was in a state of panic, he looked around the room, trying to find something to protect himself. The anonymous figure decided to force open the door, jiggling the door handle and sometimes hitting the door. Jung kook gasped at the kicks and thumping, feeling his throat closing in on its own, Jung kook decided to unlock the door and open it a little bit, only revealing half of his face.

He came face to face with Taehyung, the intense brown eyes that looked tired.

"J-jung k-kook?" Taehyung whispered, he pushed opened the door, Jung kook hid behind it as Taehyung entered the room. The spirit did not know how to react but only to slide down the wall and hug his knees, hiding his face. "J-jung kook talk to me... please."

Jung kook felt a hand on his head, the spirit lifted up his head.

"Why are you here?" was the first question he asked Taehyung.

THE BOY WHO DROWNED (VKOOK)// COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now