Ch. 04

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Perrie's p.o.v.

Nicki had finished eating and we were all now piled around the tv fighting over which movie to watch. We were all too immature to give in.

"I am sick of watching Disney movie. I'm fine with a chick flick as long at it means no Disney." Nicki stated while Jade and I scoffed but Jesy and Leigh-Anne agreed.

"Disney's off the board." Leigh-Anne said.

"Traitors." Jade huffed before Nicki began tickling her.

"Come on Poopey. I'll watch a Disney flick with you later if that will make you feel better." He said continuing his relentless tickling. It was nice to see him like this. He was relaxed and back to his old self.

Wait that can mean only one thing. "The albums done." I said to myself but it ended up loud enough for everyone to here. The girls and I looked up at Nicki as if to question him. He smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it is." He said proudly greeted with squeals from all of us. "I finished it before the club debacle." He said before laughing and flopping down next to me. I hit his arm before we all looked at each other and the girls and I jumped on Nicki hugging him while kissing his cheeks.

"Thank you, thank you! THANK YOU!" Jade, Jesy, Leigh and I all screamed at the same time.

"No problem." He said before bursting into a fit of laughter. That was when I noticed Jesy and Leigh holding him down while Jade tickled him.

"Get his ribs Jade." I said before he looked up pleading with me to help him. 'Damn. Those eyes and his pout. I could kiss those lips. Wait. What. Wtf Perrie why would you even think that he's your best friend. He's like you brother.' I thought before shaking it off and laughing. "Alright Jade I think you've tickled him enough." I said trying to reason with her.

"No way. Jesy get her." She said before looking me dead in the eye. "Paybacks a bitch." I got out before Jesy pinned me and began tickling me.

"S-s-Skittles-s. H-help m-me." I stuttered our between laughs. He finally got free and grabbed me out of Jesy's grip before slinging me over his shoulder and taking off knowing the girls were hit on our trail. He closed the door and locked it before setting me on the bed. We were both breathing heavily trying to catch our breaths from the tickling.

"You know sometimes I hate them so much." He said while looking over at me and smiling.

"Yea. But you love them too much to hate them forever." I said while poking his side.

"I guess. I mean you guys are like my sisters." He said. Why did that hurt... He's always called me his sister. But why did it hurt so much when he said it this time. By the time I finally convinced myself that it was nothing I turned on my side and looked over at him fast asleep while slightly snoring.

"Yous know that we are going to get you!" Jesy said through the door. "Nicki can't protect you forever Perrie." She said while laughing manically.

"I'm sure he would." I mumbled to myself before curling up next to Nicki. I couldn't help but smile when he nuzzled into my neck, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my collarbone.

"Try me." I stated loud enough for Jesy to hear but soft enough so it would wake him up. She huffed and walked away from the door. I stayed in Nicki's embrace and turned the t.v. only to catch a story telling everyone about what happened at the club last night. "Fuck" I muttered before I heard footsteps approach the door.

"Pez we need to go. Management wants to talk now." Jade said. I wiggled out of Nicki's embrace and places a chaste kiss on his temple before making my way to the door. I opened it and was greeted with a hug from Jade.

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