Ch. 09

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Perrie's p.o.v.

I woke up laying on Nicki's chest and I couldn't be happier. When I opened my eyes I saw his long fingers moving around his laptop and I laughed.

"You couldn't even wait till you got out of bed?" I asked him after I took his headphones off.

"I've gotten out of bed twice. Once to eat and the second to get my laptop. I'm sorry you slept like the dead.." he laughed before kissing the top of my head. "Afternoon Pezzie, there's food in the microwave if you're hungry."

"Are the girls still here?" I asked before seeing him shake his head.

"They left a couple of hours ago. Something about shopping and boys." He said before picking me up and taking me to the kitchen, with his laptop in the other hand. "You eat I need to finish cutting this. Then we will watch a movie that you hopefully won't fall asleep to." He said handing me the plate before going to sit on the couch as Hatchi jumped up and started licking his face. "You need to teach this dog some manners." He joked before putting Hatchi in front of his laptop.

"I could say the same about Archer... he does love to hump." I said before diving into my food.

Once I finished I went over to the couch to find a proud looking Nicki. "I finished a song wanna hear?" He asked while I nodded. Just like normal. Not a moment later his voice filled up the room.

"Like it?" He asked once the song was finished.

"Yes. But can I ask who it's about?" I said looking into his eyes.

"Nope." He said while slightly blushing and biting his lip. 'Damn that's hot.' I thought. "Perrie I think it's about time we talk about what happened." He said getting serious.

"Nicki please I don't want to talk about. It was a mistake." The second that left my mouth his face dropped.

"Ok." He said sadly before turning to the tv. 'Oh fuck this.' I thought and might have said before I grabbed his face and smashed my lips on his. After a moment of hesitation he kissed back.

He kissed back.

NICKI KISSED BACK!!!! I think my heart is going to explode. Then it all stopped when he pulled away and scratched his neck.

"Perrie what was that for?" He questioned while looking at me.

'No time better than now I guess...'

"Nicki, I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you all those years back. I feel like everyday I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with you. I hid it from you all these years because I didn't want this to ruin our friendship but I just can't hide it anymore. I only dated Zayn because I knew you hated him and I wanted to make you jealous." I paused when I saw his knuckles turn white so I grabbed his hand and caressed his fingers before continuing. "I thought I loved him but everyday it turned into a bigger and bigger lie to hide the feelings I had for you. I never felt anything for him. The only person that I've ever had feelings for is you. Every time I'm around you I have to prevent myself from jumping you." He chuckled at this. "When you would hold my hand butterflies would fill my stomach. When you would hug me I couldn't help the fact that my legs went jelly and all I wanted to do was continue to hug you. When you kiss my cheek I can't help the blush that appears on my face. Finally, when we kiss I can't help the feeling of electricity that runs through my body." I said before looking him dead in the eye. "You are the only man I have and ever will have feelings for." I took a deep breath.

"I love you." We both said at the exact same time before he cupped my cheek and jaw softly before stopping and searching my eyes for permission. I nodded.

Nicki's p.o.v.

I leaned forward and placed my lips on hers become putting as much passion into the kiss as I could. This continued until we heard sniffles coming from behind us. Perrie hid her red face in my neck.

"How long have you been here?" I asked before running my hand up and down Perrie's

"Long enough to see both kisses and hear Perrie's little confession." Jesy said before giving me a knowing look. "I think it's time you confessed to Perrie..." She said before Perrie nuzzled into my body.

"Another time." I said before looking down at Perrie.

"Well you two bottomless pits... we brought food." Selena stated before moving to the dining room along with the others. I looked down at the girl in my arms.

"Come on Pezzie let's go eat." I said while moving her off me, standing up and extending a hand towards her. Before she took it she pointed towards her lips.

"Kiss." She said. When I went to oblige she pushed me down to the couch before running towards the food.

"Traitor!" I shouted out the fleeing girl before joining them in the kitchen. Once we were all full, we went to the room and Jesy put on a scary flick. When we were all settled it was Jade, Jesy and Leigh on the large couch, Selena laying on the floor and Perrie and I cuddled up on the large recliner.

"You better protect me." She whispered into my ear before biting it. I let out a quiet strangled moan before earning a laugh out of the girl sitting on me.

'Dead puppies. Dead puppies. Clowns.' I thought and shuddered before Perrie pulled a blanket over the both of us before she became engulfed in the movie. I kissed her temple before turning to the film. "Really Jes. The Exorcist... this scares the shit out of me. Do you have no sense of compassion.." I said before looking over a Jade who looked terrified and Perrie who already had her head hidden in my chest.

"Nope. No compassion here." She said as I slowly moved my hand along Perrie's spine earning a small shiver out of her.

"I got you petal." I said softly before kicking the recliner back as the movie began.

Halfway through the movie, Jade was gone. Selena was asleep, Leigh and Jesy were enthralled in the movie, while Perrie and I were scared shitless. "Come on Pez. Let's go to bed." I cooed in her ear before picking her up gently and turning to the two girls on the couch. "Nanite." I said before moving down the hallway. By the time we got to my room Perrie was clinging on to me for dear life. "It's alright Pezzie I got you." I said softly into her ear. Once in the room I closed the door before hearing it open again.

Jade appeared in the doorway. "Can I sleep with you two?" She asked visibly shaken from the movie. Before I even got the chance to say yes, Perrie was gesturing her into the bed next to her. The both cuddled up to each other before I snuck my way between them as they both settled into my sides. "Disney please?" Jade said pleading for an escape from the scary movie.

"Of course." I said before turning frozen on. We all soon after drifted to sleep.

AN-Double update for this lovely Friday!

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