Ch. 46

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The girls were off recording while Nicki was left with three screaming babies. The babies were fine until the door closed and the girls were gone. The second the babies realized their mother was gone they lost it.

What was worse was that Nicki had a migraine and the crying was making it hard for him to see. He picked up Jessie and put him in the swing before taking Amelia and putting her into a rocking bassinet. He turned the swing on allowing Jessie to rock back and forth before he picked Leighton up. He sat in a rocker rocking back and forth as his door hit the bassinet rocking Amelia.

They quieted for a moment before Hatchi started barking with Archer quickly joining. Nicki let out a groan before setting Leighton down next to Amelia and rocking it softly yet enough that he knew he could go into the kitchen and still have it be rocking when he got back.

He grabbed three bottles and warmed them up before going back to his crying children. Thankfully they we able to grasp their bottles. He sat down in the rocker and prayed that that would fix them. A bottle hit the floor and Jessie started crying. Nicki tried to quickly get the bottle back in his mouth but it was no use he set off the other two. When he picked up Leighton he felt the heat he was radiating.

He went to get the infant thermometer and took each of the babies temperatures. They all had fevers. Nicki ran them a warm bath and balanced all three of them in his arms once he had them naked. He sat down in the tub with them trying to bring their temperatures down.

The girls opened the door downstairs and immediately heard the crying. They ran upstairs knowing that something was definitely up. When Perrie opened the bathroom doer they heard the cries echoing off the wall. Nicki let out a huge breath before the girls collected the babies. The blonde knelt down next to him.

"What's going on?" She asked as tears brimmed his eyes. Her arms wrapped around him tightly.

"T-they had fevers and I couldn't get them to s-stop crying." He stuttered out as tears began to fall. His voice dropped to a whisper. "I-I don't know if I can do this." Leigh had heard the words that came from his mouth. She handed Perrie Leighton and pulled Nicki up. Perrie left the room knowing what was to come from Leigh-Anne would stay between the two of them.

She handed him a towel before sitting down on the edge of the tub. He sat down next to her looking and feeling defeated. She was about to give him a hug when she realized it probably wasn't appropriate due to him only being in his boxers. Her eyes met his before she began to speak.

"Why would you ever say that baba?" She asked while running her hand along his arm. "You are one of the best dads I have ever seen." His eyes were trained to the floor. "Don't ever think anything else. This is the first time the babies have truly gotten sick right?" He nodded. "Well now you have to learn how to help them Nick. You know damn well Perrie can't do this without you. You also know that she loves you no matter what." She cupped his face forcing him to look at her. "So you better get your ass out there and help your fiancé." He smiled before tightly wrapping his arms around her once they got up. "You still have a pretty good dad bod." He started laughing before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you. I owe you one." She nodded before pushing him out of the room.

"Yea you do." Leigh said drawing everyone's attention to the two. Perrie's eyes roamed across his body before their blue eyes met. A smile appeared on her lips.

"Whatever you did helped." He chuckled.

"Well if it involves freaking out and literally doing anything that pops to mind then I guess that was it." The girls giggled before Perrie went over to him. She handed him Leighton who smiled up at his father. She kissed his shoulder gently.

"It still worked. Though now we do have to go to the doctor." Nicki groaned. That was a feat in itself with trying to control the babies while staying out of the limelight.

"Do we really have to?" The girls nodded and another groan escaped his lips. The babies had inherited his fear of the doctors.

"I may have a friend that would come out and look at them." Jesy said before they all looked at her.

"Oh please Jes." Nicki pleaded before she laughed.

"I'll call him and see if he can come out." He went over to her and gave her a side hug before leaning to whisper in her ear.

"Is this the new guy you've been talking to?" Jesy turned red before shrugging. She didn't need to answer for him to know that it was him. "Good I get to scare him." He said just loud enough for the others to hear.

"You will do no such thing. If he's a good doctor for the babies I don't need your dumb ass screwing it up or screwing whatever him and Jesy have going on up." He huffed before nodding knowing that Perrie would kill him if he did anything.

"Just don't crush his hand like you did with Zayn." He chuckled lightly. His eyes met Perrie's as she smiled softly.

"That was a completely different story."

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