Ch. 33

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Perrie's p.o.v.

Last night was interesting. Three is going to be a lot to handle, but we are definitely up for the challenge. The girls and mam didn't visit yesterday so it'll be interesting. They have no idea about the adoption. Right now Nicki and I are looking through baby names. We've been looking for over two hours and still can't find the perfect name.

"Richard?" He questioned, I shook my head. Then a name popped up across my screen and I knew it was perfect.

"Leighton." I said with a smile. Our new little man looked up at us and smiled. He grabbed Nicki's fingers with his hands and was grasping at them.

"I think he likes it." Nicki said with a smile. "Don't you Leighton?" Leighton smiled and giggled at his new fathers words. "I'll take that as a yes. It's perfect Pez." He said as he leaned over careful of the baby and kissed me on the lips swiftly.

I stood up and went over to the two bassinets in front of the bed and picked up Amelia handing her gently to Nicki, who now had two smiling babies in his arms. Their smiles matched his. I picked up Jessie and he smiled up at me.

"I love our family." I said with a smile before resuming my place next to Nicki. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at our three children. "They are all so perfect." Nicki arched his neck and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"So are you." He said softly. As the last word escaped his mouth Leigh-Anne appeared in the doorway.

"Good morning." She said cheerfully, she made her way towards the bed, before stopping in the middle of the room. "Why are there three bassinets?" She questioned.

"Something happened yesterday. Something special." I started before putting Jessie in Nicki's crossed legs and taking Leighton. "This little one was abandoned by his mother, we fell in love with him the second we laid eyes on him. We found out that he was up for adoption and couldn't stop the feeling that he was meant to be.

We put in an application yesterday, they accepted it, so we would like you to meet your godson." I handed Leighton off to Leigh-Anne who had tears running down her face. I pulled her into a hug, careful of the baby in her arms.

"Does this mean I don't have to share with Jesy and Jade?" She asked with a light chuckle.

"He's all yours." Nicki said quietly, I noticed two sleeping babies in his arms.

"I can't believe it." Leigh whispered. "What's his name?" She asked, cooing at the little one in her arms.

"Leighton." Leigh-Anne looked at me and smiled knowingly.

"Does that have anything to do with my name?" She asked with a smirk. I nodded, she wrapped her arms around me tightly before kissing my cheek. "I love it. He's perfect and I'm happy I don't have to share him." Nicki and I laughed quietly. "Does Debbie know?" I shook my head.

"You're the first person to know." She kissed my cheek again.

"She's going to kill you. But once she lays eyes of him all will be forgiven. He is absolutely perfect. So are you two. Honestly, your whole family is perfect, you need to share this story eventually because it is so absolutely adorable and is honestly so heartwarming that I'm surprised my heart hasn't burst." She said as the tears started up again, this time I joined in with her.

Jesy and Jade appeared in the doorway. They started laughing.

"How is he asleep with the twins, while you two are crying..." Jade trailed off. "How are you holding a baby when Nicki has the twins?"

"Well there's something sleepyhead and I need to tell you." I started before Jesy took Leighton from Leigh. "We adopted this little one yesterday. His mother abandoned him and we fell in love with him. Long story short, we have another little one on our hands." Jade came over and smashed me in a hug before Jesy carefully did the same.

"Does that mean I don't have to share little Jessie?" She asked before I nodded.

"If the other girls are okay with it, yes." I told her before the other two nodded.

"As long as I don't have to share Amelia." Jade stated before we all laughed. "Now what's the little ones name?" She asked as she took him from Jesy's arms.

"Leighton." I told her and they all smiled.

"That's bloody perfect." Jesy said with a laugh. "Just like he is. My gosh, he could be your biological son. He is a perfect mix of the two of you. But please tell me no more kids for the time being. My heart can't take it."

"No more, at least for now. I promise you all that. I can't believe this went so smoothly. Now it's time to tell mam and dad. It should be interesting." I told them. They pulled me in to a group hug and we held the position for a while enjoying the peace and quiet.

"They will be fine." Jade and Jesy said in unison. They then burst into a fit of laughter. "I can't believe we did that." Another loud fit of laughter came over them. This woke the three sleeping babies and Nicki, when the babies started crying. Nicki quickly got the two in his arms to calm down, it was an amazing sight, before the girls got Leighton to reduce his crys to whimpers. Leigh-Anne then started to tickle his tummy and his whimpers turned to giggles.

"He's too cute." I commented.

"I could eat him up Pezza." I heard before turning around to see mam standing behind me. "Now why does Jade have him?" She asked me, taking Leighton from Jade.

"NickiandIadoptedhimyesterday." I said faster than I've ever spoken before.

"What was that Petal?" She asked. I took a deep breath.

"Nicki and I adopted him yesterday after we found out his mother abandoned him and he was up for adoption. We fell in love with him and couldn't not do something." Mam smiled at me before turning to Nicki, who was asleep along with Amelia and Jessie.

"He's absolutely adorable Pez. I probably would have done the same thing in your position. You two also blend into him perfectly. It's like he's your baby biologically." I smiled at her before kissing Leighton on top of his head. He gurgled happily before nuzzling into mam falling asleep. "Now what's his name? But first let me guess you named him after Leigh?" I nodded.

"It's Leighton." She smiled at me.

"That's the perfect name, for your perfect miracle."

AN-I was thinking about doing a story with Jade or Jesy instead of Perrie. Would that be interesting to any of you or should I just stick to Perrie?

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