Ch. 19

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Nicki's p.o.v.

Today was the day. The day, I tell the girls the biggest secret I have. To say I was nervous was an understatement. My hands were shaking. I couldn't eat, which was not like me. Thank goodness I had Perrie or I probably would have gone running out of the house by now.

"It'll be ok baba." Perrie said before she kissed my cheek. "I'll be right next to you. I'm not leaving and I know they won't either." She said softly.

We heard the front door open and a chorus of hellos. "Hey!" Perrie said back before moving to hug each of the girls. I couldn't muster enough strength in my shaking legs to get up to greet them.

Jade, Leigh and Jesy sat across from me while Perrie sat to the right of me and grabbed my hand. "Go on Nicki." She whispered in my ear. I cleared my throat and looked at the three girls in front of me.

"I guess I owe you all and explanation. But I'm sorry if it comes out in pieces or quietly." I said while fixing my eye to the floor. "I never told you guys about my former step-dad because of things that happened in my past." Perrie squeezed my hand as I took a deep breath before continuing. "When I was about six my parents divorced. My siblings and I got a choice of who we wanted to live with. We all chose my mom. I wanted to choose my dad but he told me to go with my mother because he would be traveling too much.

"About a year or two later she met Mike. He was nice at first and then started to become an alcoholic. He began to beat me, throw beer bottles at me and all out demean me. Most of the scars on my body are from him and his beer bottles. He called me every name in the book. He was the one that messed up my knee by besting the crap out of me and throwing me down a flight of stairs. One night he took it a little farther than just the beatings.

"He came into my room and took advantage of me sexually. He ripped my clothes off and raped me. I tried to tell my mother multiple times but she played it off as me being nuts because Mike was "making me a man". This continued night after night. For probably three years." A choked sob came out as tears slipped from my eyes and fell to the floor beneath.

"One night I was over at my godmother Amy's house. We were joking around writing songs and dancing. I went and wiped my forehead with my shirt and she noticed the bruises that covered my body. She finally got it out of me and I broke down and told her everything. The next day she coaxed me to the police department and had me tell them everything. I went and lived with Amy from then on.

"I haven't talked to my mother since. She still doesn't even acknowledge that I'm her son because "no son of hers would do this to the family." Once we were finished at the station they put Mike in jail and that was the end of it. He left me alone. Even after he got out of jail he never threatened me or even showed his face. I don't know if it's because he couldn't find me or because this was his master plan." At this point I was sobbing hard.

"I'm so sorry Jesy. For everything. I should have told you everything before. I'm sorry he took you. I'm-"

"Shut up you idiot." Jesy said with sadness in her voice.

Jade's p.o.v.

I looked around and everyone had tears in their eyes, on their face or slipping off their faces to the ground. No one had said anything since Jesy. I figured now would be the best time to do something. I got up and the girls all looked at me. I went and crouched down in front of Nicki and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you for telling us." I said softly before kissing his cheek lightly. The hug then turned into a group hug as all the girls joined in. We were all kissing him either on the head, cheeks or lips in Perrie's case. He looked up at us with confusion in his eyes.

"You don't hate me?" He asked quietly.

"Hell no!" Leigh-Anne said the second the words came from his mouth.

"Why would you even think that?" I said looking into his eyes.

"Because every time I tell the story to someone they all tell me it was my fault and hate me. Well everyone except Perrie and my dad." He said as tears fell from his eyes. Jesy quickly wiped them away.

"You're not at fault one bit. We could never hate you Nicki." Jesy said softly. "How about we all hang out here? I can order some takeaway and we can all get fat while watching movies."

"As long as there are no scary movies.." I warned as everyone but Jesy agreed.

"Fine." She huffed out before grabbing her phone ordering from our usual place. Nicki went to pick out the first movie quietly.

"I'm not watching frozen." He joked over his shoulder at me. I pouted at him before he pulled me over his shoulder and began to tickle me. "We always watch frozen. We never watch anything else."

"Then you can't watch Lilo and Stitch." I said right back before I tickled him and we collapsed on the floor laughing. When we pulled away from each other laughing everyone was looking at us. "He tickled me, so I tickled back." I said nonchalantly.

"She started it." He said childlike while pouting.

The looked at me and then him before pouncing. Thankfully not at me. The pinned him and tickled him at the same time.

"Nobody tickles our Poopey but us." Jesy said with the other two nodding in agreement.

"P-Perrie h-help m-me." He said through his laughter.

That's when they looked at me. I took off and hid in a room.

"Jadey come out." Nicki said quietly. "I promise they wont tickle you." I stepped out of the room and he tickled me before taking off. "I said they wouldn't. I never said I wouldn't." He said while sitting down next to Perrie as the movie began. I sat down in his lap, feet in Perrie's lap. She raised and eyebrow at me.

"Couldn't get you own seat Jadey?" I shook my head.

"Nope his lap is too comfortable." Kicki chuckled before resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"I don't mind Pez. Anyway she's comparable to a child." He said once he turned his face towards her. Jesy looked over at us laughing before she came over and sat on my lap. "Now I mind. Two is too many." He said strained.

Leigh came over and piled on top of Jesy before Perrie snuck her way out from under my legs and jumped on top of the pile.

"Not fun." Nicki said with rasp in his voice.

"I agree." I told them. Jesy, Leigh and Perrie laughed.

"Fun for me. What about you Leigh?" Jesy asked before Leigh-Anne nodded. "Perrie?"

"Perfectly comfy." At this point Nicki was wiggling underneath me. I looked at him before he playfully winked at me. Not even a second later his hands were in my lap and Jesy and the other two hit the floor. I smiled before pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you for saving me from being crushed." He laughed before looking at the three on the ground.

"You gals good?" He asked earning a chorus of yes'. The girls began to cuddle up to each other. I hopped off of his lap and cuddled with them. "Now this is unfair. I wanna cuddle." He said with child in his tone. Perrie grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to her.

"Better?" She asked. He kissed her gently before nodding.

"Much. Now let's watch the movie." He replied.

The night ended with us all pretty much cuddled together on the floor with a movie on. Nicki was asleep along with Perrie who was next to him and Leigh who was in between Jesy and I. I smiled at my best friends before I cuddled up to Leigh and drifted peacefully into a happy sleep.

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