Ch. 18

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Perrie's p.o.v.

"I-its his former step father Mike Percy. Nicki's the reason he was put into jail." I told the officer. The second I told her that she motioned for her supervisor to come over and told him the the information. He sent everyone off to gather information on him and find where he may be.

"You two should go home." The supervisor told us sympathetically. "I suggest you go somewhere that he doesn't know about. Maybe a motel. Right now it's a waiting game. I have both of your numbers and will let you know if we find anything." He said before he left us alone.

"Come on Perrie. Let's go get a motel. Nicki would kill me if anything happened to you." Bradley said before directing me to his car. "We can pick your car up later." He smiled sympathetically before starting the car and going in the direction of a motel. "I'm gonna tell Jade and Leigh what's going on. They deserve to know." He said once he had gotten me situated in the motel and went to his room next door. "If you need me I'm right next door. Don't hesitate to knock." He said before the door closed.

I soon after fell asleep from all of my sobbing.

Jesy's p.o.v.

I grabbed onto Nicki's shirt as the man came towards us and towered over us. Nicki moved me so I was protected by him.

"Hello son." These were the first words I heard from Mike, Nicki's step-father. He had never told me that he had a step-father. Why wouldn't he tell me, I know everything about him, he knows everything about me. "I feel bad I couldn't get to your pretty little girlfriend." He said and Nicki tensed while he balled his fists angrily. "So I took the next best thing this pretty little thing right here.." Mike grabbed my face but not before Nicki grabbed his hand and twisted his arm.

Mike began to hit Nicki until he was semi-unconscious. He then tied his hands up and threw him next to me.

"When he's coherent tell him if he tries any more bullshit like that you'll be the next to get it." Mike said leaving the room. I moved Nicki so his head was in my lap. His nose was clearly broken and there was blood all over his face. I cleaned him up to the best of my ability.

When Mike came back Nicki was still out. He came up to me and pulled me away from Nicki. "It's time to have a little fun with you." Mike said smirking. He ripped my shirt off and was about to pull my pants down when we heard gunshots and police screaming. Mike pulled a gun out of his pocket and put it to my head as Nicki quite literally stumbled into the room.

Nicki's p.o.v.

I moved into the room I saw Mike take Jesy in. When I looked at the two of them Jesy shirt was ripped off and the gun was pointing at her head.

"Step back!" He screamed at me.

"You want me not her. That's why you did all of this let her go." I said firmly. "She has nothing to do with any of this. You let her go now and you'll have me. Do whatever you want to me. Do not touch her."

"If I hurt her it will be more beneficial than anything I could do to you." I saw policemen behind him they motioned for me to look at Mike instead of them and to be quiet. "If she's dead everyone will blame you. That little bitch, what's her name, oh that's right, Perrie. She'll never forgive you. Nobody will. That's why I have to do this." He cocked the gun.

"You don't have to do this." I screamed before I heard a gunshot ring around the room. I closed my eyes, fell to the ground and began sobbing. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me into their body, much like a child.

"It's ok Nicki. I'm alright." She cooed into my ear. I wrapped my arms around her and sobbed into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Jesy. I'm so, so sorry." I sobbed out.

"No more saying sorry. I'm alright Nicki. Everything is over with. But you need to get checked out." She cupped my face and looked into my eyes as I nodded. "Come on bubba." She took my hand and directed me out of the house towards an ambulance.

Perrie's p.o.v.

By the time Bradley and I received the call that the police had found Nicki and Jesy, we were both nervous wrecks. Bradley tried to keep a conversation going between us, but I couldn't put together a coherent statement to save my life. We finally got the address from the police and Bradley got to the place that should have been an hour away in less than ten minutes. Yea, it wasn't legal but so what. He jumped out of the car and ran to Jesy wrapping her in a hug. She came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"He's getting checked out by the paramedics." She whispered before pushing me in the direction of Nicki.

"Alright Sir. You're free to go. Just make sure to keep the cuts clean and put ice on the bruises every other twenty minutes." I heard the paramedic say before I saw Nicki. His face was mangled and he was badly bruised but his face lit up when he saw me. I bolted towards him and slammed into him knocking him down in the process loud, as he groaned loudly. He then began laughing lightly.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed out as he wrapped my arms around me. "I just I-I though I l-lost y-you." I stuttered out as tears flowed from my eyes. He cupped my cheeks and wiped my tears away.

"I'm right here Petal." He said softly looking into my eyes. "I'm not going anywhere." Then he kissed me and I'll be damned if I didn't feel fireworks. "Let's go home Pezzie." He said softly.

Nicki's p.o.v.

When we got in the car with Bradley and Jesy, Perrie cuddled into me like a child would, I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.

"You have some explaining to do." Jesy said looking back at me sternly. I nodded slightly before shivering knowing what I was going to tell her would bring back horrible memories. Perrie turned towards Jesy.

"How about we do this tomorrow?" She asked quietly while running her fingers through my hair. Jesy nodded before turning so she was forward in her seat. Perrie kissed the top of my head before I decided.

"I should tell Jade and Leigh as well." I said into her shoulder. She rubbed my back and nodded softly.

"I'll tell the others." She said before pulling her phone out and texting them to meet at my house tomorrow.

When we got home Perrie and I both collapsed on the bed cuddling up to each other.

"Are you sure you're ready to tell them?" She asked softly.

"I'm sure. It's about time they know." I replied. So far, Perrie is the only one outside of my family that knows about my step-dad. I'd like to keep it between just us two but with everything that went down with Jesy, the other girls deserve to know.

About ten minutes later we were both asleep tangled together not wanting to let go of the other.

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