Ch. 47

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Jesy called Max and he said he would be there within the hour. Perrie profusely thanked her as Nicki laid watching on the couch. His head was still hurting but he knew that what he was thinking could never come out of his mouth. He wanted to scare the guy but Perrie and Jesy were scarier than him. Perrie came over and sat on his stomach before her side met his.

"What's wrong baba?" She asked noticing that his eyes were shut tight.

"Bad headache." He said before turning and nuzzling into her. As usual they were each other's comfort.

"Have you taken anything?" He shook his head. "You need to take something." Again his head moved to say no. "Why not?"

"I doesn't help." He grumbled out. Perrie chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"Have you even used it before? I know you never take pills." She stated while poking his side. He let out a huff.

"No." She giggled before turning to her three best friends. They had been in a conversation before Perrie went to sit with Nicki.

"Andre and I are throwing a party Friday if you'd all like to come." Leigh said. Jesy and Jade said they would come. The three girls turned to look at Perrie.

"Before we'd say yes we have to ask mam if she can watch the kids." The girls nodded in understanding.

"How are you comfortable with his insanely hot body on you?" Jade asked with a chuckle. Jesy hit her shoulder. "I didn't mean that way Jes." She said her voice raising an octave. "I meant temperature wise." Perrie and Nicki were giggling like school kids at her words.

"Sure you meant it that way." Perrie joked first before her fiancé chimed in.

"I mean I have been told I have a hot dad body." He said his Aussie accent thick in his voice. The girls burst into a fit of laughter. Nicki groaned before burying his head back into Perrie's neck. Her fingers ran through the blonde hair at the nape of his neck. Jesy got up with Jessie in her arms. She disappeared around the corner before coming back with pills and water in her hand.

"Take these you dumb ass." Nicki shook his head before Jesy slapped the back of his head hard. He groaned loudly. "Take them or I'll hit you again." He extended his hand towards her and took the pills with water. "Thank you." She said before kissing his cheek.

"I hate you." He mumbled as she went to ait down. It was Perrie's turn to hit the back of his head. Jesy giggled before giving her a look that said leave it. "I love you Pezzie." He said softly before they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Jesy said while popping up out of her seat. Nicki sat up and chuckled.

"We don't even get to open the door of our own house." Perrie kissed his cheek before standing up. Jade and Leigh did the same before Nicki followed. By the time they got to the foyer Jesy and who the others presumed was Max were lip locked. When they pulled away each of them turned bright red. Nicki extended his hand towards the other man in the room. He took it and firmly shook the blondes hand. "Thank you for coming." All four of the girls were taken aback by how nice he was. They all assumed he would put the fear of God into the new guy.

Perrie quickly followed with extending her hand towards the brunette man. Jade and Leigh did the same before they went into the living room.

"So what's going on with these adorable little babies?" Max asked while tickling Jessie's cheeks.

"They've been crying and irritable all day. I didn't realize they had fevers until a couple of hours ago." Nicki started. "I got them in a bath and it seemed to help." Perrie cut him off.

"We just wanted to make sure they were all right." Max nodded in understanding before excusing himself so he could go and get his medical bag. Perrie pulled Jessie aside. "Well he's hot Jes." Nicki heard every word and expressed his displeasure.

"Hey!" He called from the other room. He peaked his head through the door way. "Just remember who gave you that ring." He said with a wink. Perrie flicked him off.

"Not you." She teased back. He came into full view in the doorway.

"You sure about that?" He challenged.

"If I'm correct you wouldn't have found that without me." Jesy said with a smirk. Nicki flicked her off before taking Jessie from her arms.

"Just remember who gave you the twins and saw the other little rugrat." Perrie chuckled.

"Yea the same person who put me through hell because of their shitty genes." Nicki smirked.

"If my genes were shitty we wouldn't have had twins. They also wouldn't have blue eyes." Jesy ooed at his words knowing damn well that his dig was meant for Zayn.

"They wouldn't have your pale white skin." Perrie said feeling proud of herself.

"They can tan though baba a lot more than you can. Also if I recall your skins whiter than mine." She huffed and walked out of the room. He handed Jessie to Jesy before following her out. Perrie was pissed. He caught up to her as she walked out of the house into their backyard. He grabbed her hand gently. She pulled out of his grip quickly. She turned around and slapped him hard.

Max was attending to the babies while Jesy helped. The other two were holding babies while watching the two in the backyard.

"Why are you such an asshole?!" She screamed getting closer to him. He knew better than to back up so he stood his ground.

"Pez." He said quietly.

"Don't you Pez me." She said fire coming from her voice.

At that moment Nicki knew that he had fucked up bad.

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