Projects and jealousy

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Enjoy! ❤️
"When I was five years old, my dad left. He wasn't ready to have a family so he packed his bags and he left my mother and I. Ever since that day my mother has had to work a full time job to be able to support me and her both. I had to wake up, take my own shower, get my self dressed. That was also the year I met my best friend. We did everything together, still do. When I was thirteen I met this man named Shawn, he had a childhood that was pretty similar to mine. We bonded and he became a father figure in my life, then he met my mom and one thing led to another and then he really did become my father. My real father now has a family of his own, one that he is now ready for. He didn't even bother to call and see how I was doing. Shawn isn't like that, I like to think that he truly is my father. When I painted this picture I wanted it to represent hope, I wanted it to represent love and happiness. That things are truly worth hoping for. I use to not think so but, I had some amazing people in my life prove to me other wise. I call this painting restored hope, because sometimes hope is all we need." Clapping erupted from the classroom as some of the students from the back even stood up to clap.

"That was incredible, Maya. A plus." Jason said as he smiled at her. Maya thanked him and took her painting and went and sat down.

"That was amazing, Maya. Definitely not what I was expecting." Simon said as he sat back in his seat.

"What do you mean?" Maya asked giving him a confused look.

"I just thought that a girl who paints a picture like that would have some kind of mushy love story about a guy that she fantasizes about but could never have. But yours actually had meaning to it, something that could really inspire others." Simon complimented as Maya blushed hard.

"Well thank you Simon." Maya looked down at her desk trying to keep him from seeing her blush. She had only ever blushed this hard for one other person before and that was Joshua Matthews.

"Alright guys, if you didn't get to present your project today then you'll have to wait next week. In the mean time I want all of you to spend your free time with another person in this class room getting to know each other because next week we will have a new project that will be with partners of your choosing." Jason said as he started to pack up his bag. "You are all dismissed."

"Partners?" Simon asked as he grabbed his back pack and painting.

"Who else?" Maya asked sarcastically as she mimicked his movements but heading out of the classroom first. "I'm kind of bummed though, I won't be able to hear your project until next week." Maya said as they headed out of the building together. Simon shrugged.

"Nothing as special as yours, I can assure you." Maya started blushing again.

"You are quite the sweet talker, aren't you?" Maya asked sarcastically. Simon smirked and shrugged.

"What can I say, I'm a sucker when it comes to beautiful girls like you." Simon said as he stopped walking and faced Maya. Maya bit her lip and blushed as she looked down at the ground.

"Hey uh, do you know those guys?" Simon asked as he nodded behind her. Maya turned her head over her shoulder to see Andrew starring at them and Josh glaring. Maya sighed as she turned back around to face Simon.

"That's Josh and his friend Andrew. I use to kind of have a thing with Josh that's probably why he's starring." Maya said as she shifted on her feet awkwardly.

"You use to have a thing with Joshua Matthews? You do realized he's a senior right?" Simon asked as he immediately became concerned. Maya shook  her head.

"Not like that. We use to have feelings for each other but, he moved on." Maya stated as she looked down at the ground. Simon smiled at her sadly.

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