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Thank you guys for reading and commenting. Also, apparently I'm supposed to do this disclaimer from now on at the start of all my chapters so.... I do not own Girl meets world, Boy meets world or any of the other characters except obviously the ones that I do own.

"Thanks for doing this, Maya." Shawn said as he and Katy were putting their coats on and fixing to head out the door. Chet was sucking on his bottle in Maya's arms as she held him in the living room.

"Of course. I'm glad you guys asked me to do it instead of hiring a sitter." Maya told them as she laughed at the little boy who reached up to try and grab her hair. He was already three months old and Maya felt like she hadn't really been able to spend a lot of time with him.

"So is my bank account." Shawn joked.

"We wouldn't have dreamed of asking anyone else. We know how much it means to you to be able to get to spend time with him. And we need a night out." Katy told her.

"We'll be back around elven. If you need us call." Shawn told her. He waited until Katy was out of ear shot before turning to Maya and whispering, "try not to call." Maya laughed and nodded as she cradled the baby closer to her chest.

"Alright. He's eating now and will need to be changed before he's put down for the night. Have fun, baby girl." Katy said as she grabbed Shawn's hand and started pulling him towards the door.

"Hey, Josh might be coming by soon. He's picking up some photos I took for him on my last trip to Philly." Shawn called out to her. Maya nodded and bid them goodbye as they walked out the door.

"Looks like it's just you and me little man." Maya stated. Chet kept one hand on the bottle and his other one reached up and grabbed onto Maya's fingers. Just then there was a knock on the door. "Or me, you and apparently Josh." Maya stated as she rolled her eyes. "Coming!" She called out.

Maya walked over to the door and opened it with a cooing Chet in her arms as he dropped the bottle and Maya caught it and placed it on the side table. She looked up and saw Josh smiling down at Chet in her arms before he looked up.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." She smiled at him. I think Shawn left your photos on the counter." Maya told him as she motioned her head over to the counter in the apartment. She moved away from the doorway and allowed him to come in, shutting the door behind him.

Josh walked over to the counter and grabbed the package of photos that were there. He looked over and noticed how Maya couldn't keep her eyes off of Chet. He was babbling absentmindedly while squeezing Maya's fingers. Maya was smiling down at him and swaying him slightly from side to side. Josh found it hard to keep his eyes off of her. Maya looked over at Josh and gave him a weird look.

"What?" Maya asked him. Josh didnt say anything as he shook his head. "What?" Maya demanded and Josh laughed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing, its just..." He trailed off. Maya raised her eyebrow at him. "You look good, you know? I mean, with a baby in your arms. It suits you." He told her. Maya raised her eyebrow at him.

"Shut up." She joked as she shook her head at him.

"No, I'm serious. Just the way you're eyes light up when you're around him. It's captivating." He told her. "You're going to make a great mom one day." Maya stared at him for a moment before realizing that Chet had started to fall asleep.

"Meaning what?" Maya asked him. Josh shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing, its a compliment." Josh told her. "You know that's your problem." Josh said as he pointed his finger at her before he crossed his arms over his chest casually.

"Pardon?" She asked as she stopped swaying with Chet and looked up at Josh.

"Anytime someone compliments you, or tries to say something nice. You always feel there's more behind their words. Something more deceitful. Like they're actually making fun of you instead of actually being nice to you." Josh explained. Maya looked at him shocked.

"That's not true!" She exclaimed.

"Maya, I just gave you a compliment and you took it the wrong way. You thought that I was mocking you." Josh told her. Maya glared at him.

"I dont take what everyone says about me the wrong way. Why would you even say that?" Maya placed Chet in the playpen that was in the living room as he was now asleep. She turned back to Josh and crossed her arms over her chest much like Josh's position.

"Because its true." Josh said simply. Maya looked angry, but Josh on the other hand looked amused by the whole situation. "I think you should give people more credit." Josh told her. Maya rolled her eyes.

"That's your problem, Matthews. You're too trusting. You're always giving people the benefit of the doubt even after they've stomped all over you and made an idiot out of yourself. You always look for the good in people, even when there isn't any." Maya retorted back to him.

"I believe that deep down everyone has a good side. Some you just have to look deeper than others." Josh stated. Maya shook her head.

"And when you give that person your heart and they rip it out of your chest. Then what?" Maya asked him. "They steal your dignity, your trust, your self respect. They push you into the floor and leave you with nothing left to pull yourself back up. What then?"

"You make something to pull yourself back up." He told her. "You learn from the experience and you move on to someone better." Maya shook her head at him.

"And when that person does the same thing?" She asked him. Josh smirked at her.

"Not everyone is who you presume them to be, Maya. Some people know when they have a good thing going for them and when to not screw it up. And some people know how to accept that person, that perhaps the risk is worth taking. Because you love that person too much to just let them walk out of your life forever."

Maya stared at him. It was silent between the two of them. Josh shrugged his shoulders at her.

"Just a thought." He said. "You should think about it." He passed her with the packet of photos in his hand. "Good night." He told her before opening the door and walking out. Leaving Maya to stare at the doorway with a slight frown on her face.

I don't really know how this conversation was relevant to the story but I had the idea and thought it would be an interesting encounter between Josh and Maya. Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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