TELL ME!! - 6 (Edited)

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Aiden's P.O.V.-

"Yes, it is that bad. She has a major concussion, that slightly damaged the brain. Multiple cuts that mysteriously have solid silver in them. There is liquid silver and liquid wolvesbane in her system. She has several holes in her, and one punctured her stomach." The nurse said.

"Okay, do you know when she can come home?" I asked, through gritted teeth.

"Well, we fixed the brain damage, the concussion has calmed down, and the silver and wolvesbane will take a while, but keep a close eye on her and she can go to school, she just has to take it easy."

"Okay. Thank you Doc."

"If you would like, come around front and we will help load her. She is still sleeping from anesthesia, and may throw up when she wakes."

And with that, I got up and exited the hospital. I got in my car, with Ryan on my tail.

I started the car, and started to drive away, "Hey! Wait for me! AIDEN!!" I drove a little more.

I busted out laughing.

Before I could drive a little more, Ryan was in the car.

I drove up to the sign that says,'Emergency' and parked the car.

I leaned over the center consul, and opened the front right passenger door.

The nurse who directed us to the waiting room came out the doors, carrying Nala. For some reason, I growled. I don't know why.

I think she might be my mate. I'll have to ask Ryan, if he won't murder me. He seemed to go from hating her to caring for her. It was weird.

The nurse came over to my passenger door and played Nala down, and closed the door.

I revved the engine, a signal to Ryan that I was going to leave and that he should put a seat belt on. And with that, I drove back to the school to pick up our things.

When I got back to the school, Nala started to stir.

"Hey Ryan, go in the school and get our stuff. I'll stay here and watch Nala."

"Okay. What's our combos?"

"Go in the office and borrow the paper. Duh!!"

"But that's not borrowing. That's stealing. And I don't steal!"

"Get the paper, take it upstairs, use it, and put it back!"

"Oh. Okay," Ryan said, getting out of the car. Sometimes, I don't think he has a brain.

Ryan's P.O.V.-

I don't know what his problem is. He literally just met her today, and he seems so attached.

I'm attached to her. We were friends once. I cared. Well, a bit.

I mean, I don't want the Alpha position, and I want her to be Alpha. And I want to be her annoying Beta, who picks on her about her finding her mate, and just messing with her in general.

I walked to the office. It was still daylight out, so there were a few staff walking around, getting stuff done.

Sports practices were still in play, so the teachers didn't question why I was here.

I was upstairs. I went to the lockers and found Aiden's and Nala's.

First, I went to Aiden's.

His code was 5-33-31. I got his books and put them in his book bag, and got his IPhone.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A voice said.

I knew it was the Principal.

I turned around.

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