So. . . - 45

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Nala's P.O.V.- 

"How do I use Telepathy?" I asked Athena. 

I was back at Mason and Lilia's home. I was currently in the temple, with Athena helping me. Lilia was there, too. Since she was in the Midnight pack, the 2nd most powerful pack, she had abilities, too. The top 3 most powerful pack's Alpha's and Luna's have abilities, to protect their pack. 

"Well, Telepathy is a little tricky. Luckily, I mastered the first 2 stages of it. But, that's not enough to kill Reynolds."

There were 10 stages of Telepathy.

There were10 telepathy. 1) Communication. Where you can communicate with a person, or an item, though the person had to be close to you. It depended on how strong you were. 2) Distance. You can communicate with a person or thing from a great distance. But, again, it depended on how strong you were. 3) Animals. Communication with animals. It's a hard one. Not many people have mastered it. 4) Memories. You can share direct pieces of memory with another person. 5) Pictures. You can show pictures with another person. Only people. Animals are unheard of, as far as this stage has been recorded. It can be a picture you just saw, or a picture you saw long ago. 6) Manipulation. You can manipulate the mind. Whether it's from far away, or the littlest memory to wiping the mind clean of anything. You can pick specific details of what you want to delete. If you want to delete a memory of you, or a memory of how many flies they saw that day. 7) Adding Memory. You can add anything you want. This goes along with manipulation, but on so much of a higher scale that it's counted to be another level. 8) Pain. You can cause the person pain. THough, not many people have done it. Not many people can even reach stage 2. It takes immense amounts of energy to even have a few minute conversation with a plant, much less a person. This is similar to Telekinesis. But, your making the person think their in pain, where Telekinesis is inflicting direct pain. Now, if you are strong enough, you can use direct infliction. Though, no one has ever been recorded using it that way, it is known for being used as torture. 9) Take Over. You can control someone. You can control ones' soul. Complete control. And, 10) Kill. You can kill someone. Not just make them think their dead, but actually make their heart stop. This is with stage 9, but more complex. Take Over is when you can move your soul into theirs, and combine the souls. Or, switch. Switch souls. But, Stage 10, is where you can tap into their mind, and directly kill them. It's inflicting direct pain. This is a legendary skill. Only 1 person has been able to master it. When you kill them, you go from their soul back to yours. 

"Well, I know someone powerful who mastered the 10th level." Athena said.

"Wait. . . you know Winchester??" 

"Well, yeah! We worked together a bit. His power was. . . well, let's just say he was strong enough to become one of the Gods. And, don't forget your way with spirits!!" 

"I guess." 

"Hey, guys. I think we've all had enough for today. The sun's setting already. We need to eat, regain energy." 


After that lesson, I practiced for 1 week. I eventually got to Stage 10. I practiced for 12 hours, then took an hour nap, ate a little, then went back to work for the rest of the 10 hours. I did that everyday, for a week. It killed me. 

After that week, I slept for 3 days. I was exhausted. 

"Nala, ready to go back? It's time. We need to go to the Werewolf Council. We need to know which pack will join which pack." Aiden said. 

"I guess your right. I really don't want to see them, since our last meeting. I really didn't want to mate on the table." 

"Yeah, I guess your right. I'm kinda nervous, too. Who knows what's going to happen. We come from 2 Very important packs, both ruling at a point. It's going to be hard." 

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