Right Time? - 33

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Nala's P.O.V- 

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Aiden asked me. 

"What?" I replied, not knowing I was making a face.

"You were looking at me. . . like I was a piece of meat." He said, and I turned around, not knowing there was a mirror behind me, and I saw my face blushing like crazy. I turned back around.

"Sorry." I replied, and I hung my head low, trying to hide my embarrassment. 

"What's wrong? I can feel you're tense." He asked, and I didn't really want to tell him.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I just. . . " I couldn't think of an excuse. 

"I just what? I feel like you're hiding something. Tell me. We're mates. I know we haven't mated, but that doesn't matter." 

"Left my knitting needles at home. And my yarn." Why did I say that? I have my knitting stuff in my suitcase. Lilia taught me to knit. 

"Really? You can knit?" 

"Yes. I can. Lilia taught me." 

"Hmmm. I don't believe you. I mean, I believe that you can knit, but not that that's what's bothering you. Please, just tell me. What happens in this room stays in the room." 

"Yeah, but what happens in Washington D.C. stays on YouTube." I whispered. 

"Please. . . " Aiden begged. I saw the pain on his face. I didn't want to hurt him, but I had to tell him. His pain hurt me.

"Well, I want to start and complete the mating process. Please." I asked. It sounded better in my head. It came out more like a beg than a statement.

"No. You're not ready." Aiden said, and I started to get angry. I felt a rumble in the pit of my core, and I knew my fire wanted to come up. I was trying my best not to let it get out.

"What? Who are you to decide for me?!" I yelled, able to hold my fire back, but not my anger.

"From your past, You're just simply not healed enough. Let's wait for a few more weeks, and we can see where a few weeks can take us." He said, and I couldn't stand to be there any longer while holding my flame back.

I turned around, and walked out the door. I went down a few hallways, getting lost a few times, but eventually finding my way outside. I shifted into my blonde wolf, and ran into the woods, going to a tree I found when I was first shifting. 

It had a cute little seat in it, where it was obvious someone had carved it. There were little tiny flower carvings in the wood, along with little stars and the moon. It looked like there was a meaning for it. Like a symbol. I brushed off all the dead leaves from the falls' past. I sat in it, and thought about how close I was to loosing control. 

'I can't believe I almost released my flame on him.' 

'You have no control over your flame. You were angry. It's okay. Don't be so hard on yourself.' my wolf called back. I jumped, not knowing she was there.

I stayed quiet, not feeling like talking to anyone. I was remembering the first time I got angry, almost lost control, and almost hurt someone I cared about.


I was sitting with Lilia in my bedroom, talking with her about my mate. If I had another mate. It was possible to have a second mate, but only if the first mate died. That rarely happened, when the the other mate died. Only Royals and upper class wolves get a second mate. So if they go into depression or die due to loss before an heir is born, then they can make decisions with a clear mind and not fail their werewolf guild.

I heard crying in Sera and Kevin's room, and I decided to see what was bothering them. 

When I got in the room, I was that the window was open, and I forgot to shut it. They hated the cold breeze that came through the window. I went over to it, and closed it. I grabbed Sera, and tried to shush her. I grabbed Kevin, and tried to shush him too. The didn't stop crying. I even breast-fed them. The didn't eat. I checked their diapers. They didn't need them changed. By the time I tried every solution, I was angry. All the crying and wails were making me angry. 

"Shut-UP!"I yelled. I felt a strange rumbling in my core that I had never felt before. it slowly creeped up my hands, and I was panicking even more. I felt it get closer and closer to my fingers, and I set the twins' down. 

"LILIA!" I yelled I had no clue what was happening to me. Lilia ran into the room.

"What is it, child?" She said frantically. As I put my hands near my head, they erupted with flame. I lost control of my arms, and they flailed around. I was screaming, and the twin's cried stopped. My hands were showing no signs of the flame dying out. 

I was gaining back control of my hands, and I slowly lowered them. As I did, they came close to the crib, and the crib caught on fire. The crib was the only thing, weirdly, that caught on fire. i almost killed my own children. 

END OF FLASHBACK-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 I remembered that terrible day. I almost committed a murder. I can't live with myself knowing that I could kill someone. 

I was still sitting in the tree, my knees against my chest, and I was hugging them. 

As I was sitting there, I heard the rustling of leaves behind me, and I felt an unknown presence behind me.


Hello Guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 



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