It - 13 (Edited)

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I dedicate this chapter to _Uh_Really_ for reading my story, even though it isn't that good.

Nala's P.O.V.-

After Ryan left, I finished putting my stuff away. There wasn't a whole lot, but enough to worry about.

When I was done putting my stuff away, and since it was dark, I decided to sleep. I went into my closet, and picked out my pajamas.

All I had for pajamas were a piece of blood-stained, once-white tough cloth. I exited, as went into the bathroom to change. I looked at myself in the mirror. You could see some of my bruises. The makeup was wearing off. I hope no one saw.

Well, since there was a shower, and I might not stay here long, I decided to take a shower. I took off my clothes, and turned on the water.

Once the water was the temp I wanted it at, I stepped in. The water was the warmest thing I have felt ever since my mother died, when I was 3.

I still remember her beautiful face. She was so kind. She was a true Luna. Everyone looked up to her. But when she died, due to cancer, everyone blamed her death on me. I killed her, I think. I don't know the exact story. I was too young to remember. Only people from the pack have told me. And I know I can trust them, right? I wanted to save an abused puppy from an abandoned building. But, how could I have known that there was asbestos, insulation that can cause cancer? I should have known.

Even though I was 3. It was an old building. I should have known.

I shook away the sad feeling. I'm safe from my father. I reached for the shampoo bottle, and washed my filthy hair.

I reached for my body wash. I didn't know what I was doing, and I dropped the bottle. I couldn't hold back.

I felt the tears spring in my eyes. This time, unlike all the others, I let them escape.

I felt so guilty for killing her. I backed up against the wall, and slid down, hugging my knees. When could I be free? So, I did the only thing I could do. I grabbed the razor I put on the shower holder, and slid it against my ankle. No one would see there. In the shower, the blood would wash away.

After a few hours, I stopped crying. I got out, and got into my pajamas. I went into my bedroom, and sat on the side of the bed. It was too comfy. I got up and sat on the floor. Less comfy, but still not right. But, it would do.

I got up from the floor, and felt one of my pillows. Too puffy. I know I sound picky, but I'm used to a concrete floor with only a wood box as a pillow. No blankets.

I went into a closet that is in the bathroom, and grabbed a blanket. Since it was already warm in the room, I got the blanket as a pillow. I got on the left side of my bed, the one farthest from my bed, folded the blanket, laid down, put the pillow under my head, and went to sleep.


"You W****!" Alpha Reynolds yelled at me.

"You killed the Luna! You dumped my food all over me! You're a disgrace to this pack! " Insult after insult after insult, I got a slight push into the chair with spikes all over.

I was ripped out from the chair. I was brought outside, near a tree, near a rope. The rope was brought over my neck.

One of the pack members brought out a chair, and Alpha Reynolds stepped on it, slung the rope over the tree, and pulled the rope down.

I felt my feet lift up from the ground. My father was hanging me. I felt the air leave my body. When I was seeing blue spots in my vision, he let the rope go.

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