What To Do Now - 52

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I woke up, feeling groggy. I opened my eyes, but quickly shut them again due to the bright light that flooded my pupils. 

"Oh, dear, let me dim the lights for you." I peeped one eye open, and I saw the lights dim exponentially. I finally opened my eyes, and let them adjust to the light. I tried  to turn my neck, but it was so stiff, it hurt. 

I groaned. Pain all of a sudden entered my body. Most of the pain was just a tired ache; but the pain in my middle was burning. 

"Yeah, I'd better give you some pain medication to take the edge off." 

I didn't know why my body was flaming. I couldn't remember anything. 

I saw a glimpse of the woman beside me from the corner of my eye. She wore a white doctor's coat, with a stethoscope hanging around her neck. I couldn't see what she was about to do, but suddenly, I felt my pain edge. Not go away completely, but make it so I wasn't clenching my fists. 

"Do you remember anything, sweetie?" She asked, returning to the end of my bed where I could see her better. 

"No." I croaked out. My voice was hoarse. 

"Ah. I see. Let me help you with that." First, she snapped her fingers, and there was a flash of something beside me. I hadn't moved my neck, since it was so stiff. 

"Drink up." 

"I can't. My neck's too stiff." She nodded, then snapped her fingers again. My neck turned to the side in a snap, emanating a loud crack, without my command, then to the other side before returning to where I had it before. On my own, I turned my neck to the side. There was no pain. I turned my torso to the side, leaning over the bed to grab my glass of water the doctor had made appear. As I turned my torso, my back cracked in three different places. I groaned. It felt so good to have the tension out of my back.

I chugged the water, swiping at the excess water around my mouth the glass had failed to let enter my mouth. 

"So you don't remember much, eh?"

"No, I don't remember anything." 

"I see. Give me a second to think, and I'll fix that amnesia for you." She put her hand on her chin, thinking for a moment. Then she snapped her fingers, a purple flame erupted out of her fingertips. She walked over to me and, spreading her hand wide, fingers apart, swiped her hand all down my body, but not touching me. She then extinguished the fire from her fingertips, then clapped both her hands together, keeping then together. 

At that moment, a zapping feeling erupted in my brain. I jerked, surprised by the sudden electricity. The doctor then pulled her hands apart, and there was a jerking feeling on my brain. then, the feeling dissipated, and a stream of visions popped into my head. 

A chimera. A sword. 

Everything was clear. I remembered. I fought a chimera. It cut my middle. I cut its snake head off, and it flew away. Someone carrying me to the infirmary, then using magic to make me sleep. It was the doctor who made me sleep.

She was a pure-blood witch. I'd never met a pure-blood before. Usually witches had tainted blood, because they were seen as a threat. The witches, back in the day where there was heavy displeasure in the supernatural world, wanted peace. So, the witches had agreed to taint their pure blood to make peace on their part in the magical world. But, some witch families decided to keep their pure blood, and these families were the aristocrats. She must have been one of them. 

I'd heard that pure-blood witches has power beyond comprehension, but that could have been a rumor. 

"You're a pure-blood witch." I exclaimed. She smiled. 

"Yes I am."

"Shouldn't you be in a fancy aristocratic house? Eating fancy food, and wearing fancy clothes?" She chuckled a little. 

"Yes. But I was the last born in a family of 5. So my mother and father were okay with me going to med school. They weren't happy, but they learned to let me go and let me follow my heart, " she smiled. "How about you? What's your story?" I was surprised she didn't know who I was. 

"I don't want to talk about me. How large is your magic capacity?" She furrowed her eyebrows, then raised them up, as if in an, "Aha, I know what you're talking about" sort of way. 

"Yes. I've heard that the other supernatural think that we have powers greater than any mind could think. That rumor is false. Yes, we do have powerful magic. But we don't have every power imaginable. We're born with one specific power that we're best at. Mine is mind magic. I can bring back lost memories that have been lost, et cetera. So, naturally, I brought your memories back. As pure-blood witches, we can also learn magic. Like if I wanted to learn fire magic, I have to find a witch or warlock that would teach me. That fire magic wouldn't be as strong as the magic I was born with. Does that make sense?" It made perfect sense. I nodded my head. "Good. Because it's kind of hard to explain. What about you? What's your story?"

I hesitated. What would be her reaction when she found out that I was the ruler of the werewolf race? 

"Well, I'm Alpha Queen Nala Reynolds. You probably know my story. I'm a werewolf-vampire-witch tri-bred." Her eyes grew large. "Someone kidnapped my twin children Kevin and Sera to lure me here to this academy. And now I'm trying to find out why I'm here." 

"Ah. I get it. So do you know why you're here?" 

"I think so. I'm here to be protected. But I don't know why. I need to be out there ruling my people. But instead, people are holding me here like a coward. I can take care of myself on my own." She nodded, 

"I get that. But you have to understand that there is a reason you're being kept here. Your life, at one point was in danger, and it might still be." At this point in time, I heard a light snore. I looked to my left, and I saw two chairs with two sleeping people on them. Kevin and Sera. I smiled, happy to see my children. 

"They never left your side while you were in here. They were so worried, the boy, Kevin I presume, was making demands and stuff. It was so cute." It was cute. My little boy, acting like the alpha he was growing to become. He had so much to learn. 

"Well, what do we do now? If that chimera was after me, I made it go away. Can't I leave?" The doctor tilted her head to the side.

"I don't think you understand. A chimera like that doesn't just come here on its own. It was summoned by someone." Then, it hit me. The look in the chimeras eyes. The blank sadness. It was being mind-controlled. How it tried to buy me some time to get up after it hurt me. It had multiple times to kill me. But it never did. It didn't want to fight me. It didn't want to hurt me. It was doing what it was being controlled to do. 

"Yes. And it seems like whatever was controlling it is going to do whatever it can to kill you and your bloodline." I must have said what I though out loud. 

"So what do we do now? I need to do something. I can't just stay here for the rest of my life."

"Well, all we can do now is to stay here and think of what to do next. The next step could be the hardest to pull off."


Hey guys!! Another chapter in a week, wow! It's a record! 

I hoped you liked this chapter. I know it was pretty boring, but I have to do a few filler chapters before I can get to any juicy parts. 

Well, that's all I have to day. I hope to get another chapter out tomorrow since it'll be Saturday, and i have no homework to do or get caught up on. 



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