The End?

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Hey guys!!! 

I know I haven't updated in a while, I know. I've been having terrible writer's block. Usually, this never happens. I'm so full of ideas that I start a new story. 

I haven't had much inspiration, nor have I had any encouragement. Some writers need encouragement to write. I'm like that. I don't know why I write. 

I originally made this book to read for when I had no other book to read. I NEVER expected for it to get this many reads!!!!!! 11,923 reads. . . .WOW!! I'm so excited!!! I though 1 read was all i'd get. 

Thank you all SOOOOO much!!! You really don't know how much it means to me for every single vote, every single comment. It makes my day!!! 

Also, I'm not one of those people who makes a goal for the amount of reads, votes, or comments. I'm not like that. No offence, but I think it's rude. I REALLY don't mean to hurt anyone, if you do that in your books. 

This book has spread to a lot of the world!!! I'm not going to call out any countries, just to be kind to you. I'm sure you don't want people you don't know to know where you live, and I'm fine with that!!! Most of you I don't know. But I know some of you since you vote. 

You might think that this is the end of the story. It's not. 

But, I've been thinking. Should it end? Since I've had writers block, I don't really know what do do next. 

If you have any suggestions, please comment them!!!

Do you think I should end the story? I'm going to make a sequel anyway, so. . . .

Well, I need to know what you think.



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