Arrival - 11 (Edited)

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Ring! ring! ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

My old, old fashioned alarm sounded.

I got out of my bed, and went into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror.

All I saw was my ugly, bruised face and body. I was tattered, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. There were scratches everywhere, bruises, bumps, cuts, and a nasty looking gash near my rib cage.

I was nothing. Worthless. And no one cared.

But I kept going. Never losing hope that I could escape this nightmare I call my life.

I think often times about the pack that got destroyed. The Blood Crescent pack. They got defeated by The Moon Pack. It was an 8 year long war. A gigantic blood bath full of death. But they never gave up until the last wolf died. Yet, the Alpha Heir is still out there, somewhere. Not knowing who he is.

You may wonder how I know this? Well, in my free time, I smuggle books in from the small pack library. The only books they have are myths. And there is a book about every person in the pack. Even the worthless ones. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's better to believe that than nothing at all.

But, I have looked through all of the books there. None of them are mine, or dedicated to me. Every pack has a few books about every pack member ever. I wasn't in any of the books. That proves I'm a nobody.

I looked through my makeup pouch, from what I got from pack maids. A little foundation for my porcelain skin, a little bit of old blush, just to cover up my bruises and scratches.

I went out of my 'bathroom' and got the clothes I nearly folded up and put on the corner of my bed. My best clothes.

After I got dressed, I got my tattered shoes. They weren't anything special, just tennis shoes.

I heard a knock on my door. I went over to it, and opened it a jar. It was Ryan.

"Hey, let me in." He whispered.

"You all packed? Ha! Get it? P-packed?! I know. Bad joke." He joked.

"Yes, all packed."

"That's all you have?" He said, looking at the bag.

" Yup. Well, if your an omega, that's what you got. "

"We'll go shopping for you when we get to Aiden's pack. You could even go with his sister!"

"I guess. . . "

And with that, we went down the stairs quietly, staying clear of the squeaky step. We inched our way to the kitchen, not making any sound.

I knocked off a cup from the dishwasher. Their was a stir coming from up the stairs.Ryan and I stopped dead in our tracks.

When we didn't hear anything, we went into the hallway that connected the living room and the kitchen, the one that had the front door.

When we got to the door, we silently slipped out and into the truck.

5 hours later. . .

"Do you want anything?"


"Come on, Nala! You have to eat! You haven't eaten in months!"

We were at a rest stop. It takes 10 hours to get to The Midnight Pack. The current ruling pack before the Blood Crescent pack was destroyed.

We walked around for a bit, Ryan had Subway, and we looked around the gift shop. Before long it was time to go.

"I got you some food."

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