OGIQ First Words

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Ozpin was at his desk, watching in on a couple of classes. You were in your playpen, rolling on your back with your feet in your hands.(yes I meant to say that...no they are not detatched from your body) Ozpin looked up at you every few minutes, just to check and make sure that you were okay. Suddenly, Glynda walked in, interrupting his train of thought.

"Ozpin. Take a break from work and play with your daughter. I'm sure she is very lonely without you." She said, picking you up and setting you on the floor.

You crawled over to your grey haired father who was now looking down at you. You cooed and began gurgling. Ozpin smiled at how adorable you could be.

"Do you want to sit with me?" He asked, patting his knees.

You squealed loudly.

"Daddy!" You held your hands up so he could pick you up.

He slowly reached down to you, his eyes widened in surprise. Glynda cooed on and on about how smart of a girl you were and how proud she was of you. Once in your fathers lap, you grabbed his scroll and began clicking on random things, but Ozpin was to surprised at your adorable voice to even notice, but when he did, lets just say there was an announcement of baby gurgles over the intercom...



Glynda, Ironwood, Qrow, Ozpin, and you were in Ozpins office, discussing a meeting. Although you couldn't really speak, you still gurgled on with your mother about random things. Anytime someone would argue with your mother, you would screech and yell at them. They all ended up laughing at whoever got fussed at by a baby. Things were all good until Qrow tried to take you from Glynda.

"What do you think you are doing with my daughter?" She asked when Qrow was finally able to grab you.

"Giving her space from you. The kids probably goin' insane without me here to shutchya up." He said.

Glynda frowned as Qrow bounced you on his side. He tickled your belly, triggering loud giggles to erupt. He laughed along with you. Glynda finally had enough of him taking you away, so she quickly snatched you while he was distracted.

"Hey! Give her back!" He yelled.

"No! She is my daughter, Qrow! Why should I let you around my daughter?!" She yelled back.

Not wanting your favorite Qrow to get hurt my your mothers angry voice, you stuck your hands out to him.

"Qrow!" You yelled.

They both stopped arguing and looked at you. You leaned towards him as he slid his hands underneath your arms gently, and lifted you up.

"See Glynda? She wants me." He chuckled.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, afraid to look at your furious mother.



Ironwood and Qrow have been fighting over who gets to hold you every meeting ever since Ironwood brought you in Qrow's vision. This time was different than the usual. This time, Ozpin was arguing as well.

"I haven't been able to hold her since the moment I laid eyes on her." Ozpin argued.

"Then you can wait a little longer." Ironwood replied.

"Ah, shut it, Jimmy!" Qrow yelled.

"Its James." Ironwood corrected him.

"Whatever!" Qrow said back.

Glynda watched this unfold, and noticed your nervous squirming to get out of your fathers arms. Glynda gently took you out of Ironwoods arms. He didn't even notice. Qrow was the one that pointed out Glynda.

"Hey! Give 'er back!" He yelled.

He tried to lunge at her and take you, but she smoothly stepped out of the way. She smiled down at you.

"These men really don't know how to treat a young lady, do they (Y/N)?" Glynda asked you.

You cooed and reached up to her, the tips of your fingers barely skimming her left earring. She lightly chuckled at your innocence.

"She is not an object, you three. She is a human baby." Glynda said.

She lifted her wand from the side of her boot and used telekinesis to lift you in the air and bring you back to Ironwood. Your father happily took you and snuggled your cheek. You whined loudly as he did so.

"Wh-Whats wrong?!" He panicked.

You put your hands out to Glynda and opened and closed them repeatedly in a 'give me' manner.

"G-Glynnnnnnda!!!" You managed to cry out through gasps and sobs.

Ironwood looked at Glynda in disgust as she gently took you from his arms, a smirk on her face as she did so.

"My, my, Ironwood! You really have raised a lady. She even knows who is safe to cry to." She laughed as she walked out of the office that was now left with 3 stuttering men, their jaws dropped with disappointment that your first word was a cry for help...from Glynda.



Qrow and you were out getting a little sun, and ice cream of course! Qrow walked up to the stand with you on his shoulders. How you were able to do that at such of a young age, even he doesn't know. He just went with it though, knowing that you were happy up there.

"W-What can I-I get for you, sir?" The cashier asked.

Qrow smirked as he noticed that the man was looking at his giant sword on his back, and his extremely young daughter on his shoulders. But, Qrow being the overprotective father he was, he glared at the man.

"Yeah, uh, I, the person down here and not on someones shoulders, would like..." He quickly ordered, giving the man a sense of 'back off before I cut your(I refuse to type that word)off and run away laughing like a maniac'.

The man hesitantly nodded at your father, and made no delay in bringing out the ice cream. Qrow nodded, payed, then walked off to a park. He set you down on a bench and held a cone up to your face. You stuck your finger in the ice dream and laughed at how cold it was. Qrow just chuckled and petted your hair. You looked up to the sky and pointed at a crow passing by. You remember your father could turn into one of those, so you pointed at it.

"Daddy! Daddy!" You squealed.

You clapped your hands and looked at your father. He sat there, a bit shocked, but quickly changed into a smile.

"Silly." He said.

He lightly pushed your head down, shaking up your hair a little. You looked up at your dad, his hand still on your head. He quickly looked away at the sky and cleared his throat, but couldnt bring himself to look away from you much longer. When he turned his head back, you giggled and smiled wide, the ice cream smearing even more on your face. He moved his hand and chuckled at your cuteness, unaware that he would think about this day over and over again in the future.

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