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Glenn soon walked towards the royal siblings and his retainer accompanied him. They soon exited the throne room leaving only Dwight, Orion, sir Milo, and Guy. Dwight then ordered Orion to leave along with Guy.

"Did you already receive a report?"

It was sir Milo who asked Dwight as he went near the latter to inquire.

Dwight heaved a sigh and held his forehead with one of his hands.


Afterwards, Dwight looked at sir Milo.

"Haven't you received yours, too?"

Sir Milo lightly laughed.

"Let's play chess. What do you think?"

Dwight stood up and both of them went to another room.


"Father, why do you want to bring Ceres along to the banquet? It isn't even required at all."

Simbeon protested.

Arcyl suddenly called for a family meeting about the upcoming banquet. However, none of his children expected that the meeting would be about bringing Ceres along.

"I've decided that I will attend it with Ceres. Dotrald, you can also accompany us since your daughter would be there. If you want, you can also go with your wife, Finanne."

Everybody who goes to the competition's banquet knew that an invited person may bring at most two people. This unwritten rule includes the contestants. But in reality, only those with powerful background bring along other people.

On Arcyl's statement, Dotrald's expression didn't change at all.

"I will go with you and let Finanne rest. She has been busy with the household lately."

Simbeon and Noctyrus couldn't understand why Dotrald isn't even bothered that Ceres will also go to the banquet. Every one of them basically didn't have any idea to Arcyl's plan at all.

What will they do if that Ceres messed up? Wouldn't that result to everyone having their heads ready on a platter?

"I don't like that Ceres is coming to the banquet. What will those people think about us? If she comes out to the public, wouldn't that start the rumors again? And, after all that we've done to stop the spread of such disgrace..."

Noctyrus decided to speak up before their father ends the meeting with such conclusion.

"Are you the head of this house?"

Arcyl faced Noctyrus with a straight face and imposing aura. The latter could only look down.

Arcyl looked at all his sons seating around the table. These children should be his pride yet, he doesn't feel like they even stand up to their ancestors' standards. He couldn't help but think about Ceraph.

If only he didn't die early...

"I want Ceres to go with us because she is a friend of the third prince. Moreover, if we keep on letting her stay at home, wouldn't that ruin our reputation more? Don't you think that that child has had enough? It's not like she always go out and even attend gatherings. Let her accompany me for once. Who would dare talk about her with me there? She's mute but she's still my granddaughter."

If the real Ceres heard what Arcyl said, she would definitely let out a forced laugh.

Now that a Ceres luckily survived an assassination attempt and endured all the gossips and rumors about her, Arcyl thinks of her as his granddaughter? Did the sun rise from the west? If not, this is definitely a joke. Arcyl must have been feeling guilty that he neglected Ceraph's children particularly Ceres.

The truth is that, Arcyl didn't like seeing Ceres or Cerbous. The reason is that they remind him of Ceraph; the son he's most proud of.

Ceraph died early, leaving behind children with opposite characteristics. One of them is a peer genius while the other is a normal child. Isn't that just like Ceraph and Iona? How could one not be reminded of the couple with those siblings around?

He didn't know why but ever since the birth of these children, they don't feel like getting close to Arcyl. Well, Arcyl also didn't get along with his grandchildren. He thought that maybe because he has such a strong imposing aura, children get afraid of him right away.

However, Cerbous and Ceres' case was different from other kids. Cerbous is a diligent child but he just doesn't talk much specifically if it's not Ceres and his parents. Ceres was too young back then and even if she acts like any normal kid out there, she always sticks close to her brother or father.

"Whatever father decides to do, this son will not object and only support your decision."

It was Dotrald who spoke and was still looking calm as ever. It was as if he already knew about this.

"Then, if you don't have any relevant questions at all, we will end this meeting here."

Arcyl stood up and walked out of the main hall. Lonwarlt was the second to stand up but he only left after he informed the others that he was busy with his research.

"First brother, why did you agree to father's decision? Wouldn't that put us all into danger if he finds out anything suspicious?"

Noctyrus asked Dotrald right after Lonwarlt left the main hall.

"We shouldn't talk about this here. We will talk after dinner at the usual place instead."

Dotrald also stood up and left the main hall. Simbeon and Noctyrus gritted their teeth since they think they're too helpless and could only follow orders from Dotrald.


Arcyl visited Ceres right after the meeting. She was currently inside her new courtyard embroidering a handkerchief while her servants are standing by her side and guiding her.

As soon as Arcyl was seen by Ceres' servants, they all immediately distanced themselves. Ceres, seeing such actions, looked towards the entrance only to see Arcyl. She soon smiled and put down her work to respectfully greet Arcyl.

Arcyl smiled and patted her head. He soon sat down in a chair and spoke,

"Don't you have someone to at least announce when a visitor comes?"

He looked at the servants. Even though he casually entered Ceres' courtyard, he didn't like it. This could mean that anybody would be able to casually enter, too. Thus, he was irritated.

The servants didn't know what to say and didn't want to further anger the master of the house. As such, all of them have their heads hanging low.

Looking at this scene, Arcyl sighed and signaled for them to leave. He wanted to talk to Ceres alone.


A/N: I wrote this note on the file itself, once again, to remind myself of what to say. I tend to forget a lot of things.

I sincerely apologize for the super duper late update!!! I thought I need to explain so I will, on the last chapter of this update. For now, please enjoy this update! -tbc

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