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Before I knew it, I was in deep woods. I didn't know where else to go. I stopped running and started walking. It felt like I've been walking for hours. I eventually laid down under a tree, and went to sleep. I woke up to the sound of rushing cars. That was good because it meant I was close to a road. Maybe I could find a nearby town, somebody to help me. But instead, I just lay there, listening. It was more peaceful than home ever was so i enjoyed it.

After about an hour of laying there with my dog, I got up, packed my things, and walked to the road. I probably had messy hair and messy clothes. People were giving me weird looks. Looking at me as if I was homeless. Well, I guess I kinda am. My dog wanted to walk with me so I grabbed his leash and we walked. We followed the road until we got to some sort of town. I pulled over the next car I saw. There was a man, he looked like he was in his mid 30's. He had brownish blackish hair and brown eyes.

"Hi, can you tell me where I am?" I asked him.
"You're in Trofors, are you lost?" He asked me. Trofors. That sounded oddly familiar. Maybe its because I didn't live very far away (as it seems by my walk here). But what am I supposed to tell him? I can't just tell him that I ran away.
"Um.. no i'm not lost.. I-I Um.." I was shuddering trying to think of what to say. "Is there a park around here? Maybe a dog park?"
"Yeah, want me to bring you there? I'm heading that way anyways." I wasn't sure If I should accept his offer but I agreed anyways.
"Sure! Thanks!" I hopped in the back and off we went. In about 5 minutes we arrived there. I hopped out.
"Thanks so much." I got my dog and we went into the dog park.

A/N This dog doesn't have a name.

When we got there it was really busy. I went and sat on a bench watching my dog play. Eventually he tugged on the leash (The leash was extendable so it could get really long). I got up and followed wherever he was wanting me to go. He lead me to a boy and his dog. The dogs were immediately friends and they ran off together. That left me and the boy. I awkwardly sat down and he sat next to me. His dog was a big husky with beautiful eyes. I tried hiding my bruises from my father but touching them, just made them hurt more.

After about 5 minutes of silence I decided to speak. "Hi, I'm Morgana."
He looked at me confused. At first I didn't understand why then I figured out that he probably didn't speak English.
"Oh sorry, I didn't realize you didn't speak English." I immediately face palmed. If he didn't understand English he wouldn't understand what I just said. I waited for about 30 seconds. It was really awkward. Then he spoke.

"I'm only kidding with you. I can speak English." He laughed and I sighed of relief. "I'm Marcus." We watched the dogs lay for a while longer.
"They seem to be getting along great!" I exclaimed "What's your dog's name?"
"Oh it's not my dog. He replied, "I'm only dog sitting. But her name is Amber. What's your dog's name?"
"Well this might be hard to understand but she doesn't have a name. I just call her girl. Like, come here Girl!" As I said that she ran up to me and we both laughed.

**1 hour later**

"Hey, I have to go now. C-Can I have your number?" I could tell he was nervous, "I mean to be friends?"
"Sure hand me your phone." He handed me his phone and I put in my number. "There we go."
"Thanks! Bye! Talk to you later!" He was being rushed as his dog was pulling him out of the park. I just laughed.

A/N hey guys! Sorry for not having intense chapters! And sorry for the short chapter! I promise they will get better and longer soon! I just have to lead you up and into to the story.

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