Tour; Day 1

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Marcus' Point of View
*All passengers for flight to Germany begin boarding now*

Martinus, dad and I all got on the plane and headed to our seats. Once we took our seats, the plane took off and we were on our way to Germany.

Day 1; Germany

Martinus and I got off the plane to greet lots of fans. We hugged some fans, and signed some autographs. We got through security and got into the limo. Once we were in the limo, we were on our way to the hotel, then to the concert to set up.

We got to the hotel and dropped off all of our stuff, then we went to the arena. We were setting up and the mics were working perfectly, everything was going fine. However, there was one more test. The alarm test. I hid in the backstage room when they were testing it, as I didn't want to be reminded of Morgana. After that test was finished, Martinus and I went to get Tacos, just the two of us because it hasn't been just the two of us in a while.

Martinus and I got our tacos, sat down at a nearby table, and he broke the ice.
"If you don't mind me asking, why did you want to continue the tour?"
"Morgana, I told her what had happened and she said she won't let me stay with her because she doesn't want to drag me on."
"You could just wait a day until she forgets she said that, then come back."
"I know that she'll forget, but I won't. Changing the subject, how are things with Anna?"
"They're really good. I just can't wait for all of this drama passes. Not that Morgana is intentionally creating drama, but everything is just so hectic right now it's hard for Anna to focus on Morgana and me at the same time. You know?"
"Yeah, I get it."

We finished our dinner and went back to the arena.

"We're starting the concert in half an hour." Dad said as Martinus and I got back.

A half an hour is the perfect amount of time to get ready for a concert. Martinus and I got ready, then it was time for our concert. We got our makeup done and we checked our earbuds, making sure they worked. We went to the platform and waited for the concert to start. Martinus and I heard the signal, looked each other in the eyes, nodded, then the concert began.

When we got on, the crowd was cheering, louder than ever. I forgot what this feeling was, to be the star of the show, well half the star. The crowd was shouting our names, then we started singing. The fans were singing the lyrics to our songs,

Our first song, One more second. We sang a few more songs, then it was time to sing first kiss. I thought back to the last time I sang first kiss, for Morgana. I tried to get my mind off of her so I looked into the crowd to pick the first kiss girl. I was searching the crowd, when my eyes fell onto a beautiful girl. She had long, maroon hair. Her eyes were the brightest blue you could imagine. She was the one today. I invited her up onto the stage, and we had a chair ready for her. She took a seat and we began singing. I put the mic in front of her so she could sing, and she did. Her voice sounded like angels, it was amazing.

After we were done singing, we took a picture together, and she went back into the crowd. As she left, I saw her drop something and I picked it up. It was a piece of paper that said, "Adonia ;)" and it had her number on it. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. The concert was another hour, but it eventually came to an end. After, I went backstage and met Martinus and Dad there. Martinus and I got changed, and I moved the paper into my jacket pocket.

Once we were done, we went to the hotel. When we got there, I checked my phone for messages from Morgana. She sent nothing saying she changed her mind. Since she didn't send me anything, I needed a distraction I texted Adonia.

Marcus- Hey, is this Adonia?
Adonia- You got the paper, didn't you?
Marcus- Yeah, what's up?
Adonia- Nothing. Thanks for bringing me up on stage.
Marcus- It was my pleasure
Adonia- So I heard your girlfriend is in the hospital?
Marcus- Yeah, How did you know?
Adonia- Word gets around fast.
Marcus- Oh ok.
Adonia- If you don't mind me asking, why are you on tour when your girlfriend is in the hospital?
Marcus- It's a long story.
Adonia- Your story is safe with me if you want someone to talk to
Marcus- I'll remember that. I have to go now, I'll text you tomorrow?
Adonia- Sure, talk to you soon.

Concerts tire me out, so I put my phone on the side table, and went to sleep.

A/N What do you think about this Adonia girl?
About uploading, I have 2 options for you guys
1. I can upload every other day, and I take a break after this book before I start uploading to Interrogation
2. I can upload once or twice a week and as soon as I'm done this book I'll start uploading to Interrogation
Your choice!

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