Crushes and Kisses

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Morgana's Point of View

Martinus started inching closer to my face. I kept backing away. Was he trying to kiss me? Is he crazy? I kept moving back and eventually I was against the wall, no way to escape. I was trapped in the corner and Martinus kept getting closer. I stood up and tried to run but he grabbed me.

"Where are you trying to go? We both know you want this." Martinus whispered along my neck.

"No! I don't! Go away Martinus! Seriously, I just met you! Why are you doing this!?" I tried shoving him away but his grip was too strong. He was now right in front of me and he was holding my wrists against the wall. His legs kept my legs pinned against the wall. I was above the ground, pinned into the corner.

"So Marcus will forget you and we can move on with our lives. Pretty much just to make him jealous." He responded.

"Marcus!" I shouted. I heard foot steps but I don't think Martinus heard the footsteps. This is just how I remembered it from the day Anna ran away.


My dad was holding me against the wall. Punching my face uncontrollably. I had just gotten home from a friends house and when I got home, my dad was hitting Anna. I was trying to get him off of her and eventually he started going after me.

I told Anna to run. To run as far as she could from this place. She started crying when I was telling her to go. She packed some things and ran. I remember hearing her footsteps storming out the door. That was the last time I ever saw Anna.

My dad was still punching me then one punch hit my temple, and everything went black. I don't remember much, only the fact that I heard sirens and my mom shouting at my dad and my mom was crying.

**End of Flashback**

I was still pinned up against the wall and Martinus was kissing me. I wasn't kissing back though. All of a sudden I fell to the ground and I saw that Marcus had pulled Martinus off of me.

"What the hell Martinus!? She told you to stop didn't she!?" Marcus shouted at Martinus. Marcus was about to punch Martinus then I screamed remembering my past. Marcus stopped and rushed over to me. He picked me up bridal style and laid me in his bed.

"Get out Martinus." He said with anger and disappointment in his voice, but he wasn't yelling. Martinus obeyed and left. I was crying.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"It's okay Morgana, that wasn't your fault. I'm so sorry that happened. It won't happen again. I will be with you next time so nobody can do that to you." Marcus was trying to comfort me and I was still crying. Apparently while I was having my flashback I started screaming and that's when Marcus rushed upstairs, and got Martinus off of me.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm here and now you and your brother are fighting. I should just go. I will go home." I got up and was about to start packing my things. Marcus lightly grabbed my arm, making me face him. Our faces were inches apart but after that incident, I wasn't interested in kissing anyone else.

"No, it's not your fault. You can't go home, I won't let you. Remember how bad it was there? I have no idea what that would be like, and you shouldn't know. Stay here where you're safe. Please." Marcus said to me. Why does he care? I'm just some lost girl he found at the dog park.

"What do you care? You and your brother fight with me around, and I'm sure it wasn't like that before. I'm ruining your lives, just let me go home and everyone will be happy." I was almost in tears. I didn't want to go home, but I knew staying here would ruin their lives. I continued packing.

"Stay. Stay here while you're safe. Please..." He sounded disappointed. Not necessarily disappointed in me, but in himself for not being there to protect me.

"Seriously Marcus! Why do you care? I'm only some girl who was lost that you took into your care! Why do you care so much about this?" I hated yelling at him but he had to realize that I was only bringing trouble to his house.

"B-Because I like you..."

A/N So he admits that he likes you? What will your reaction be?

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