Back to Oslo

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Anna's Point of View
I unlocked Morgana's phone, I could easily guess her password as it was our birthday. I opened her messages and responded to dad.

Morgana- This is Anna. Leave Morgana alone, what did she ever do to you?
Dad- I will not leave her alone! Listen I will give you a deal.
Morgana- What's the deal?
Dad- If one of you come back, I will leave the other one alone and never bug you again. Deal?
Morgana- No way. We are staying together, as far away from you as possible!

I blocked his number from her phone and deleted the conversation. I looked up and Morgana was there.

Morgana's Point of View
I was just down the hall from my room and I saw Anna walking looking down at something. I was going to scare her because I saw her looking down at her phone and she was distracted. But as I got closer, I realized she was looking at my phone. I don't have anything to hide so I guess it's fine. I was about to scare her until she looked up at me and smiled. It was a fake smile though.

"Are they getting ready?" Anna asked me.
"Yeah, they will be done soon." I told her in response.
"Okay." She said and smiled, yet again, a fake smile.
"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked her in a questioning tone.
"What do you mean? Everything's fine." She told me.
"No it's not."
"Fine, it's not. But I told you we would be safe, so there's nothing to worry about."
"Safe from what?"
"Nobody- I mean nothing."
"It's dad isn't it?"
"Mayb- No."
"Can I have my phone?"
"Okay." She handed it to me and I checked my messages. There was no messages with my dad. That's odd.

"Let's go to the boys room and see if they're done yet, I'm starving!" Anna exclaimed and started pulling me towards the boys room. I laughed. We went and they were ready so we went across the road to the little restaurant. It was called something in another language, which made sense as we were in Germany.

We got a table and sat down and talked for a while. Marcus and I sat on one side and Anna and Martinus sat on the other. As time went on, Marcus kept moving closer to me. Eventually Marcus and I were holding eachothers hands. Martinus and Anna were just sitting there, but with time I could tell that Martinus was trying to get closer to Anna, it was kinda cute.

We all ordered, then before we knew it, we were at the airport. Marcus and Martinus had to stop a few times to take a picture with a fan, or to sign an autograph. Before we knew it we were on the plane and we were about to take off. Anna and Martinus sat in one row and Marcus and I sat in the other. I held onto Marcus' hand and we took off. I was in the window seat but every time I looked out, I jumped. I was never very fond of heights. Whenever I jumped, Marcus would hold my hand and say "It's okay". I fell asleep with my head on Marcus' shoulder.

Marcus' Point of View
A/N Haven't heard from Marcus in a while!
We were landing in Oslo and Morgana was still asleep. Her head was on my shoulder. I really didn't want to wake her up but I couldn't just carry her in. As much as I would like to, I have luggage to carry and I would have to carry hers as well, if I carried her in.

I looked across the aisle to Martinus and Anna. Anna was asleep on Martinus' shoulder and Martinus and I gave each other a look that said 'what do we do?' We waited until we landed so the girl wouldn't feel any pain in their ears. Then when we landed, I kissed Morgana's forehead. She looked up at me.

"Good morning princess." I said and Morgana let out a small giggle.
"Good morning Marcus." She responded and yawned. I looked over to. Ratings and saw that he was waking Anna up too. Once we were all ready, we left the plane. We went through the airport, but the only problem was that there were loads of MMers there. They were all trying to take pictures of Anna and Morgana.

They were shouting things like "Are those your girlfriends?" or "Why are THEY with you?" They were all shouting things at nice so it was hard to hear the rest.

Martinus and I covered the girls as much as we could. When we were finally out into the car, Anna sat with Martinus and Morgana sat with me. Morgana laid her head down on my shoulder to sleep again, and I laid my head on hers. We both fell asleep.

A/N not much drama but I think it was cute! What did you guys think of the chapter? And I've decided that I won't have regular updating days anymore because it's too stressful. I will just upload when I have the time and when my next chapter is ready!

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