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Marcus' Point of View

It was the next morning and dad called me downstairs. I gently slipped out of bed making sure not to wake Morgana up. When I got downstairs, Martinus was there too.

"What's up?" I asked dad.

"You boys have a concert tomorrow night! It was just planned and all the tickets are sold out already!" Dad told Martinus and I.

"Woah really?" Martinus asked. Dad nodded. "Where is it?"

"It's in Canada!" Dad said.

"That will be our first time there! Can Morg-" I said but was cut off by dad.

"Yes they can come. You boys better go get packed. We're leaving in a few hours."

"Yess." I whispered to myself. Martinus and dad heard and laughed. Then I ran upstairs and saw that Morgana was awake.

"Get packing, we're going to a concert in Canada! We leave tonight!" I told Morgana.

"Woah really? Okay!" And with that Morgana got up and ran to her room. I started packing and by that I mean that I just threw a whole bunch of stuff into my suitcase. A few minutes later Morgana walked in with her suitcase all packed and was watching me throw things in my suitcase then attempt to zip it up.

"That's not how you're supposed to do it." Morgana laughed at me.

"I mean, it works." I responded. She laughed and walked over. Then she started talking out all my clothes, folding them, then started putting them back in. It closed easily for her.

"How? I swear you have magic powers." I said to her.

"You just need to be neat with it." She laughed back.

"Whatever." I said laughing back. We put our suitcases near the door and aid down on my bed for a while. We put on some tv and I'm pretty sure Morgana fell asleep.

**A few hours later**

"Okay boys! Time to go!" Dad shouts up to us. I looked over and Morgana was asleep so I gently woke her up and we left. It was only 13;00 but Morgana has been having some pretty restless sleeps the past few nights. We brought out suitcases don to the car and off we went. Once we got to the airport we got through security, with the helps of our security guards because of the fans. We were waiting for our plane to be called and suddenly Morgana does the most dramatic facepalm ever.

"What?" I asked her.

"I left my phone at home. I was so tired I forgot all about it." She told me.

"Well we can't go back but we can buy a new one when we get there." I responded.

"Nah it's okay." She said. "I don't need my phone. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

"Me too." I put my phone away, "I love you Morgana."

"I love you too Marcus." She said back. I looked over to where Martinus was and him and Anna were cuddling and talking. I smiled, Martinus had once wished that there was a second Morgana, and he got her but I think he likes Anna way more than Morgana.

"What are you looking at?" She asked me. Then she looked over at Martinus and Anna and smiled too, "They are so cute together."

"I'm glad that they like each other." I told Morgana.

"I think they more than like each other." She said back. We both giggled.

"Gate 7 now boarding!" Went over the speakers. We were at gate 7 so we got up and got onto the plane. It was a first class ticket so we had lots of room. Morgana sat with me, Anna sat with Martinus, then mom, dad and Emma sat together. Morgana got the widow seat and she watched as she took off. She was a lot less nervous this time but when she got scared she would look away from the window and into my eyes. I think that's what calmed her down. A few minutes into the ride, she laid her head down on my shoulder and fell asleep. I rested my head on her dad and fell asleep too.

**End of plane ride**

Martinus was shaking me to wake up because we just landed. I got up and woke Morgana up too. We grabbed our stuff and left the plane. We rushed through the airport as fast as possible to get through the fans and once we were through we got into the car waiting for us. We were staying in Toronto, at a 5-star hotel. We were driven right to the hotel and we went straight up to our rooms.

For once I wasn't tired and I could tell Morgana wasn't either because she was really hyper. People say that when they get hyper the 'bounce off the walls' well Morgana was actually running into walls and bouncing off of them. It was quite amusing to watch. She hasn't had this much energy since she broke her ankle. I guess now it was strong enough to run after all that sleep. She wasn't running as fast as she was before she broke her ankle and had the surgery, but that makes sense.

We finally got to our room and we set all of our stuff there.

"Wanna go explore?" Morgana asked me.

"Sure." I grabbed some money and we left. We told mom and dad that we would be back in a few hours. The first place we went to was the CN tower. I have always wanted to go there. We went all the way to the top and jumped on the glass floor, of course we were scared though. More like I was scared and Morgana was excited. The second thing we did, was we went for dinner at medieval times and it was so much fun. Then we went back to the hotel room. When we got back, Morgana and I were exhausted from walking all around Toronto and from doing exploring. We both went to sleep as soon as we got back because we have a big day tomorrow.

A/N Did you like the chapter? Comment your thoughts! Just finished my first Exam and got my first peice of merch!! I'm going on a trip tomorrow and Friday so I will upload for those two days. This is Thursday's part, Fridays coming soon! (I'm trying to upload every weekday Monday-Friday, but no promises! I'm about to start a new semester so I can't upload that much because of stress. See you soon!

Fill in the blankOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora