Italy - The start

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Morgana's Point of View

I looked out the plane window, and I looked over the beautiful town of Rome. Marcus told me that we were coming here, but only when we got onto the plane. He refuses to tell me anything else. I was amazed at all of the buildings, cars and shops there were. I felt the plane touch ground and we walked into the airport. Marcus didn't tell the MMers where we were so there were no fans at the airport. It was nice, just the two of us.

We walked through the airport and into the car bringing us to the hotel. We dropped off our bags and we went to our first destination. It was a surprise, but once we got there, I saw that it was the Colosseum of Rome! I've wanted to come here since I was little and now that I'm here, I was overwhelmed, in a good way.

"I already have our tickets to go inside, so we can just scan them and walk right through," Marcus told me, holding my hand as we were walking.

"Thank you Marcus," I kissed him on the cheek.

"Anything for you."

We scanned our tickets and walked in. It was way bigger in person, I was amazed. We toured around the place for a while, then we went back to the hotel. There was a pool at the hotel so Marcus and I swam there for a while, until it was time for dinner. Marcus told me that it was a nice place, but not too fancy.

I decided to keep my best dress as a surprise, so I grabbed another dress and went into the bathroom. I got changed into a short, maroon dress and I wore brown heels. I grabbed a black clutch and put my phone and money into it. Then I did my makeup. Once I was done, I left the bathroom, to see Marcus dressed up, not fancy but not casual either, then we got into the limo and left for dinner.

We went to a beautiful restaurant and we had a great time. When we were done, we went back to the hotel. When we got there, we went to sleep.

The next couple of days, we just stayed at the hotel, roamed the cities, and did whatever we wanted to.After we had our fun, it was time to go to our next destination, which I don't know yet. Marcus told me that he'll tell me where we're going when we're on the plane. We went to the airport, and we were off to our next destination, Fiji.

A/N Hey guys! The last few chapters will be short like this but I'll upload them more often! Make sure to add Interrogation to your library for future uploads!

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