I missed you

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Morgana's Point of View
I whispered something in their ear, "It's really you... Is your name..."
"Yes it is." They said back to me. The voice that was once so familiar.


"Wanna come to my house after school?" Max asked Anna and I.
"Okay!" We shouted back. He lived right next door so we hung out all the time.

We were walking home and we dropped our bags off at home then we ran over to Max's house.

"Come in m'ladies" Max said as he opened the door for us. Anna and I laughed, I hope things stay like this forever.

"Hi Mrs. K" Anna and I said in unison to Max's mom. Max's last name was Klemp.
"Hi girls. You staying for dinner?" She asked us.
"Our dad wouldn't be too happy with us then..." I responded.
"I will take the blame for you too. Plus we're having pancakessss" she said emphasizing the s on the end to convince us. Anna and I loved pancakes so we agreed and ran upstairs to Max's room. We played on his tv for a while then we were called for dinner. We ran downstairs and ate the pancakes then we went home.

"Where were you?" My dad shouted at us as we ran upstairs and hid in our room. We shared a room, we had bunk beds although most of the time we would share the top bunk. It was a small bunk but we both loved it up there together. We hid under the covers on the top bunk. We heard my dad storming up the stairs. I put my finger towards my lips to tell Anna to stay quiet. We stayed as still as possible and our dad couldn't find us. He eventually gave up and left. Anna and I then went to bed after talking and giggling in bed for a while.

**End of flashback**

A/N Who is the unknown? I will tell you next chapter!

Just kidding! I'm not that mean!
Morgana's Point of View

"Anna?" I said as they took a step back, holding my shoulders nodding their head, saying yes, while crying. I pulled Anna back into another hug. "I thought I lost you." I took a breath, "I thought I lost you forever."
"Me too. After the day you protected me telling me to leave and save myself, I got as far away as possible and I thought I would never be with you again." We were both crying. We still looked the same, it was like we were looking into a mirror.

The crowd was cheering and clapping for us. We left the stage and went backstage into a private room . The whole way there not unlinking our arms, in fear that this would be just a dream. Once we were in the room, we sat down on the couch, hugging each other for a while, enjoying that hug we once had, many years ago.

Anna's (Unknown) Point of View
We were sitting there hugging each other, when suddenly Morgana pulled away quickly, with a pale face, looking me in the eyes.

"What?" I asked her.
"I just remembered something." She looked terrified. Not for herself, but for me.
"What did you remember?"
"He's searching for me. You're not safe with me."
"Who? I'll protect you. You protected me so many years ago, it's my turn."
"Not in this case"
"Well who is it?"
"Dad." Morgana said as my heart skipped a beat.
"I will keep you safe as much as I can. I'm not leaving you again." It's true. It's my turn to protect her.
"No, think about this Anna. You escaped from this so many years ago, I won't let you get back into it. I told you I would protect you forever. I meant it."
"I'm staying Morgana. There's nothing you can do to change my decision. If you go down, I'll go down with you." I wasn't about to lose her again. I pulled her into a hug.

"I don't want to lose you." She said, still in the hug. I could hear the shake in her voice, the voice you make when you're about to cry.
"You won't." I told her. Then I squeezed her tight then let go.

**A few minutes later**

Still Morgana's Point of View
"You need to tell me about your life away from home. What did you do? Who did you meet?" I asked Anna all the questions I've been wondering for years.
"Well lots of things happened. It's a long story. How was home? Did it get any better?" Anna asked me.
I covered my stomach with the pillows. "It was fine." I was hiding the scars on my stomach from her. I didn't want her to think it was her fault.
"You're hiding something from me. We may have been separated for years now but I can still tell when you're lying and hiding something."
"I'm not hiding anything!"
"Give me the pillow."
"No, I'm comfy." I said clenching the pillow tighter.
"Morgana, give me the pillow."
I hesitated then I handed her the pillow. I pulled down my shirt so she couldn't see.
"Really? Stand up." Anna told me.
"No. There's nothing to see."
"Well then stand up and show me." Anna pulled me onto my feet. She examined my body.

"It's not a big deal..." I told her.
"Not a big deal!? Your stomach and arms are covered in scars and cuts! Your back is still bruised! Morgana, why didn't you tell me? This is all my fault, if I wouldn't have run away and left you there..."
"It's not your fault."
"But I'm the reason you have those! I should have them not you! I'm so sorry.." She pulled me into a hug.

While Anna was inspecting my cuts, one opened again. I winced at her hug because it was against my cuts. She backed off a bit and loosened her grip. "I'm sorry." Anna told me and stopped hugging me.

"It's not your fault. I have no regrets in sending you away from home. You were safe and I wasn't. I'm still not safe but you could be. He's going to find out where I am sooner or later. You should go. This time we will stay in contact." I just want her to be safe. I would give my life for her safety.

"For the last time Morgana, I'm not going to leave you! I will stay with you whether dad finds you or not. We're both going to be safe. Everything will be fine."
"Fine. But if he gets close know I just want you to safe."
"The same with you."
"I missed you so much." I told Anna.
"I missed you too." She said back.

A/N What did you think of this chapter? I made it extra long since the last few chapters were really short!

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