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Marcus' Point of View

"Where do you think you're going?" Anna asked me as I was leaving the room with my stuff.

"She wants me gone, so I'm leaving."

"What do you mean?"

"She told me to leave. She doesn't want to put me through this."

"Nonsense! I'll talk to her."
"Anna," I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from entering the room, "It's fine. I have a tour to finish anyways."

I grabbed my things and left. I went down to the ground floor and out the front doors. Morgana's window looked over the front of the hospital so she could see me if she wanted. I had already called the driver to pick me up and bring me home. I hopped into the car and we left. The drive was only a few minutes but it felt like hours. I know that Morgana will forget this tomorrow but I won't. I will never leave her but maybe we need a break.

We pulled up to my house and I went straight to my room. I turned on the tv and multiple channels came on. The first was a race. It reminded me of the time Morgana and I went for a run and she broke her leg. I changed the channel, I needed to be distracted, not reminded. The next channel was a kidnapping documentary. That's a given why I changed it again. This channel had a show about cooking. Finally something that can't be too bad, until they started making chocolate chip pancakes. I eventually gave up and turned the whole thing off.

I decided to distract myself and go play football. I grabbed my ball and ran to the football field. Once I got there, I began kicking the ball and practising by myself. I kept hitting the ball up into the air then into the net. I accidentally kicked it really hard and it went over the net. It kept rolling as I chased it but I eventually caught up to it. I grabbed it and looked up. There I was, at the dog park. The place that started it all, with a dog that wasn't even mine.

Everything reminded me of her. It's impossible to get her off my mind. She's my everything and there's nothing that I can do to change that. The most I can do is distract myself. My next concert that is supposed to be canceled is tomorrow. Maybe I can un cancel it as a distraction. I pulled out my phone and texted Martinus.

Marcus- You want to perform tomorrow?

Martinus- We canceled the rest of the concerts remember?

Marcus- I know, but I want to perform. The MMers would like it, besides there would only be a few more concerts.

Martinus- It's okay with me, it's Anna you'll have to convince.

Marcus- Okay

I texted Anna;

Marcus- Is it okay with you if Martinus and I finish our tour?

Anna- Marcus, you can't just leave Morgana like this!

Marcus- I know, but it's only a few more concerts, then Martinus and I will be back home.

Anna- How many is a few?

Marcus- Like 3

Anna- Fine. But I'm staying here with my sister. You and Martinus go.

Marcus- Thanks

I got home and I put my football back in my room. Then I called my dad, he was out shopping.

"What's up?" My dad asked.

"Nothing. I was wondering if we could finish our tour? We would have about 3 more concerts."

"What made you change your mind?"

"Nothing. I just want to go. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine. I'll reupload the tickets and get us plane tickets when I get home."

"Ok thanks!"

"Yup, bye." and with that statement, I ran up to my room and began packing.

A/N So the tour's back on! Comment your thoughts!

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