Like a Dream - Part 2

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Morgana's Point of View

I woke up and saw Marcus through the window. Then a man in the back seat picked me up by the hair and Marcus looked over at me. I'm so confused, is this just another dream? I thought it was, all until a gun was pointed to my head.

I tried to scream but my mouth was taped. I got so frustrated and scared that I started crying. Then Marcus looked at his phone. He was... texting? Texting somebody. I looked in the front seat and the passenger was texting too. I assumed that they were texting eachother. Then I felt something sharp hit my neck. I started pounding in the windows as I felt a warm liquid dripping down my neck onto my lap. I looked down at my lap and it was all red. Then I passed out, I don't remember much.

Marcus' Point of View

We were driving for a while then we picked up speed and we caught up to the car after a little while. We decided to stay a little ways away from it to stay safe. By this point I have told everybody about the messages.

As time passed we eventually got to a place by the sea. There were boats and docks everywhere. That's when we lost Morgana. There were so many cars everywhere, that any car could have easily been her. We tried to find her but there was no use. We lost her.

We continued to search for her but after hours and hours of searching, we decided it was time to give up. That didn't stop my mind from thinking about where she could have been though. I called the cops when we arrived to the docs and they couldn't find her either.

**Flashback to a few hours ago**

"But you don't understand! How could you just give up on someone like that? Like they don't even exist anymore! We need to find her!" I shouted at the police.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing else we can do." They responded.

"Yes there is! We need more people! That's all! We're at a dock so we might need a boat or a helicopter! You can't just give up on her that easy!" I shouted back.

"Mr. Gunnarsen, you need to calm yourself down. There's simply nothing more we can do. Were only small town police, we don't have the staff or equipment to do a water search. The closest police station from this one that can help you is a few hours away."

"Well then you need to call them! Get us a helicopter here and get us a ride to search! We need to find her! Please!" I shouted, tears on my face. They couldn't just give up that easy, could they?

"I will see what we can do." The police officer said and got out their phone and made a few calls. A few minutes later they came back and explained "The helicopter can come but they are currently busy. The helicopter can be here in a few hours."

**End of Flashback**

Just as I was thinking about it, the helicopter showed up. They landed and we all ran into it. We put on our seat belts and our head gear and we took off. We began by searching the land. Once that failed, we started to search the water.

Morgana's Point of View

I woke up in a small storage closet. I heard someone who sounded a lot like my dad talking outside the closet door. I decided to write inside my journal to let whoever finds me what happened. I'm hoping it's Marcus.

Hey Marcus. I hope you can read this. I found out who the man who kidnapoed me was. It's my dad. Please, if you find me and manage to read this journal, get him arrested. I'm writing in this to remind you, this isn't how I wanted us to end. I wanted to live a life with you, to grow old with you. To be happy with you. I'm sorry all this had to happen this way. Listen, I don't have much time left. They are going to tie my hands and feet together and they are planning to throw me into the ocean like that. I can hear them planning outside of the closet I'm trapped in. I left a little song in the back of this journal for you so you can always remember me. Please, read my journal and see my side of our story. I love you Marcus.

Goodbye forever,


I ripped out the page and put it in my pocket, continuing to put my journal inside my sweater. Just then my dad came in with a gun and said to me "Do what I say, and you don't get shot." He took me out to the front deck and tied my hands and feet together. He pulled me over to the side of the boat.

I saw the rushing waves crashing against the side of the boat, as my life started flashing before my eyes. I saw flashbacks of Anna and I up until when Anna ran away. I saw flashbacks of Max, the boy I once knew and cared for. Most importantly, I saw flashbacks of Marcus and I together. That's when I was happiest. I never wanted to leave him, and I defiantly didn't want to die.

These past few months have been the best and worst times of my life. So much happened, but I have so much yet to live for. I was supposed to live forever with Marcus. To be with him, Martinus and Anna. To have kids, have a family. Be able to come home at the end of a long day and see people waiting there for me, excited at my sight. I was supposed to be happy. The day I ran away was the day I realized I had met the love of my life. The one I'm supposed to be with. Marcus Gunnarsen.

The flashbacks stopped as I felt my face hit the cold water. I held my breath for as long as I could, before I felt the ice cold water filling my lungs. Little did I know, this could save me from all the pain and worries in my life. This could change my life.

A/N Comment your thoughts! Tomorrow's and Friday's parts are uploaded! I'm going on a trip for a few days, but I might still be able to upload again for you guys. Thanks for reading! 

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