Safe in Hiding

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Morgana's Point of View

I was going to tell him about the text from my dad.

"Sure, you can tell me anything."

"Well I got a text from my dad..."

"What did he say?" Marcus asked as I unlocked my phone and showed him the threatening messages. His face went from friendly to shocked to angry. "We're leaving." was all he said. I think it was all he was able to say.

"Why? I thought we were leaving tomorrow? "

"We will stay at a hotel for the night. You're not safe here. Your dad could easily find my address so you aren't safe."

"Ok, how will we get there? To a hotel?"

"Easy. My driver will drive us and pick us up in the morning." He picked up his phone and started to call his driver.

"Marcus, it's 23.00 (11:00pm), your driver is probably asleep. Let them sleep. We can stay here for the night. He said I had one night. It will be okay.

"I want you to be 100% safe though."

"It will be fine. I promise. You will hear if someone is taking me, okay?"

"Okay. Whatever you would like."

"Goodnight Marcus."

"Goodnight Morgana." The tv was still on. A commercial came on the tv of a woman crying. Marcus bolted upright. He looked at me with a worried face.

"I thought you were crying." He said sounding relieved and I laughed.

"Marcus, you're so cute."

"Not as cute as you." I laughed. "What? It's true!"

"I don't think so."

"Whatever you say."

"Goodnight Marcus."

"Goodnight Morgana."

A/N Sorry that these chapters aren't very intense, but I promise they will be better soon! And sorry for a short chapter!

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