She's a runaway?

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Marcus' Point of View
I was standing in the dog park, I had brought Amber to the park. She was having fun and being peaceful until she saw another dog. Normally Amber just ignores all the other dogs but this time must have been different. Amber brought me to a girl and her small dog.

The dog looked like a West Highland White Terrier (I'm good with dog breeds). The dog was so much smaller than Amber. But that wasn't the main point here. I looked at the girl. She had beautiful blue eyes. They shined like the ocean. And her hair. It was a beautiful beach blonde and it had brown highlights. The one thing I noticed though, were her bruises. She had bruises all over her face, neck and arms. I tried to ignore them. She sat down on the bench so I did too. We sat watching our dogs for a few minutes and eventually she decided to speak.

"Hey, I'm Morgana." She looked at me and I looked at her. I was confused why she was speaking English. But I was too mesmerized by her beauty to respond (Cheesy, but true). "Oh sorry, I didn't realize you don't speak english." She looked at me and facepalmed. We sat there in peace. The girl looked very uncomfortable. I decided to speak.

I didn't know what to say so i simply said, "I'm just kidding with you. I can speak English. I'm Marcus." I laughed to try and lighten the mood. She just sighed. Why am I so bad at first impressions? This girl was different. She didn't freak out when she met me, she seems really nice, and she doesn't know who I am which is good. We kept watching our dogs play together.
"They seem to get along great! What's your dog's name?" She seemed really interested in Amber so I wanted to say Amber was mine, but I know it would be wrong.
"Oh it's not my dog. I'm only dog sitting. But her name is Amber. What's your dog's name?" I asked with my eyes on her and her eyes on the dogs.
"Well this might be hard to understand but she doesn't have a name." What does she mean by that? "I just call her girl. Like this, come here, Girl!" Now I understand. Her dog came up and ran to us. We both laughed. She has the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. She's perfect in every way.

That's when Amber started pulling me away. I had to ask for this girl's number. I couldn't lose her. I got up and Amber kept pulling.

"Hey, I have to go now," I laughed. "C-Can I have your number?" I was really nervous. I suck at first impressions.
"Sure, hand me your phone." My eyes lit up like fireworks. I immediately handed her my phone. Score! She was done putting her number in my phone and she handed it back to me. "There we go."
"Thanks! Bye! Talk to you later!" Amber was pulling me out of the gate, since she's a husky she is really strong.

As I was going out the gate I heard Morgana laugh. Like I've said before, she has the most beautiful laugh. I think I'm in love. But I have to stop myself. First of all, what would Mom, Dad and Martinus think? And second of all, I have other things to worry about. Like my career, and I would never be home to see her because I would be on tour most of the time. It just wouldn't work out.

When I got home, I sat down with Martinus and then Dad came home. Mom was already in the kitchen making tacos for dinner. Dad came in and told us about a girl who had blonde hair and blue eyes. It sounded like Morgana so I listened.

"So I saw a girl along the road next to the woods. She asked me where she was. I asked her if she was lost and she said yes." Dad said. This sounded a lot like morgana. "She had a small white dog and so I offered to bring her somewhere. She asked about the dog park so I brought her there." that was definitely Morgana.
"So she said she was lost?" I asked dad. My heart already beating outside of my chest. I think Martinus could tell. Of course he could tell. He was my twin.
"Yeah, that's all she told me though." He replied. "Why?"

I immediately ran up to my room and texted Morgana. Why is she lost? What was with all the bruises on her face? Is she okay?

A/N Ooh what will happen next? Has marcus figured out that you ran away?

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