Paris - Wake up

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Morgana's Point of View

We arrived in Paris! When we were on the plane, we could see the Eiffel tower! This was going to be the last, and possibly the best destination so far on this trip. We arrived in Paris really late, so we went straight to the hotel, to drop off our bags and relax.

When we got to the hotel, I got changed into my pajamas, and sat on the bed. Marcus got changed too then came and sat with me.

"This has been the best trip ever, thank you so much," I kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're happy, I think you'll really like Paris, although we're only staying here for two days, I'll make sure you have fun."

"I'll always have fun and be happy when you're with me," I said and he smiled.

"Me too, I'll never leave your side."

"I'll never leave yours either," I told him, but because of my condition, I'm not sure how much of a promise it'll be.

I laid down under the covers, ready to go to sleep. I had really bad jet lag, so I was tired, and I'm sure Marcus was too. I felt Marcus playing with my hair, then eventually stop, and I fell asleep.

**The next day**

I woke up really late, at about 11:00 and I saw Marcus was up and ready, then he noticed that I woke up.

"Good morning sleepy head," he smiled at me.

"Good morning," I smiled back. I was tired until I saw his smile, it was so soft and loving.

I got up and out of bed, then I got ready for the day. Once I was done, I walked into the room and saw Marcus. He didn't notice me yet though. When he saw me he looked up and smiled that smile.

"I have a tour of the Eiffel Tower if you're interested," he began but I cut him off.

"Yes! Let's go!" I said and ran to get my shoes on.

Marcus laughed, then got his shoes on too. I knew he was laughing at how excited I am, but I didn't care, I was excited, I've never been to Paris and going to the Eiffel Tower was a great start. We got into the car at the front of the hotel, then we were off to the Eiffel Tower. When we got there, there was nobody around for some strange reason. We went inside and we climbed all the way to the top. Yes we climbed all 1,710 stairs to the top. When we got there, we were exhausted, but it was definitely worth it for the amazing view. I was amazed, and I think Marcus was too.

"All my life, I've wanted to truly say 'I made it' and now's the time to," I told Marcus.

"Because of all those stairs we climbed?" He asked me.

"No, because I'm with you, the person I love, and now we're together and nothing can separate us. Ever."

"I love you Morgana, more than you will ever know."

"I love you too Marcus."

Today is the day, the day that I made it, the place I've always wanted to be. I'm with the love of my life, my soulmate, and were inseparable.

**6 hours later**

Marcus told me we were going to a fancy restaurant for dinner. I got changed, into a flowy, two piece, blue dress with silver heels. I walked out and Marcus was in a tux, looking hot as hell. His mouth dropped when he saw me.

I laughed at his reaction, "You look great!"

"And you look stunning," He grabbed my waist, "Shall we?"

I giggled, "We shall."

We went out to the limo and were on our way to dinner. Marcus and I sat in the back, hand in hand, excited for a romantic dinner, just the two of us. Once we got to the restaurant, we sat down and ordered our food. I was getting a stirfry, and Marcus was getting the same. We sat and talked for a while, then our food came. We ate it, then we left.

It was raining now, and we felt the limo swerve. I felt my heart race because outside of the window, there was a car about to crash into us. I hugged Marcus and closed my eyes in fear, he hugged me back, I could tell he was nervous but he was comforting me. We were still fine a few seconds later, we managed to miss them.

We eventually got back to the hotel, and I was really stressed, after the incident that could have been a crash, so I decided to go to sleep. I had a warm relaxing bath, then I got changed and went to bed.

Marcus' Point of View

I woke up and I was first to wake up, so I stood outside to get a breath of air. I had been texting Martinus about the trip, and he would ask me how everything's going, and he would tell me that Anna was wondering how Morgana was doing. I decided to text him.

Marcus- Good morning

Martinus- Morning

Marcus- How's everything going at home? I know you are just dying to see me ;)

Martinus- Oh yeah totally, everything's fine, how's Morgana?

Marcus- She's still asleep

Martinus- Alright, Anna's yelling at me to go play football with her, I'll text you later

Marcus- Okay

I stayed outside for a little while, thinking about last night. I remembered how stressed out Morgana got. Everything was fine, until I remembered that stress could kill her. I ran back inside and tried to wake her up.

"Morgana, time to wake up," I started nudging her to wake her up, "Morgana? Morgana, wake up!"

A/N One more chapter!

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