Rules to The Magic World

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First of all.

This is a fantasy story with three couples: Phana & Wayo, Ming & Kit, and Forth & Beam.

In this world, each person has the magic power of one element inside. To awaken their elemental powers, there are two ways:

1. Going through a special training under supervision of a teacher with the same element.

2. Triggering the inner nature of their element.

By awakening their magic power, they will be given abilities to manipulate their element (read more for explanation).

Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind. These are the four elements that can be found all over the world.

Actually, there are two other elements. But, they have disappeared from this world. Rather than saying they don't exist, we should say that they are hiding from the surface. Because, both elements always hunt each other. Light and dark are enemies. There are histories between the two elements and they believe that they have to fight each other. Dark clan is the one hunting the light. Light magic users have been hunted down by the dark magic users since forever.

Dark magic can cast illusion spells and those spells can even lead people to death. Dark magic has the ability to absorb someone's powers to strengthen their own. This is why the dark magic users hunt down the light magic users, because light is the most powerful element in this world.

Light magic is the most powerful magic, but it is not the type to hurt people. That is the reason why they can't fight back when they are being hunted down by the dark clan. Light is the strongest among the six elements but this magic has unknown abilities. All histories about light magic have been destroyed by the dark clan. They know something about light magic and decided to keep it a secret for their own good. Dark clan kills the light magic users so they can't speak about their powers.

Light magic users have decided to hide their existence for their own safety. If they reveal themselves, dark magic users will definitely go after them.

Right now, whereabouts of Light and Dark are unknown. It is believed that light clan has been eliminated by the dark clan, and the dark clan continues to live in the dark.

Light Magic: The trigger is unknown. The spells are unknown. Light magic users belong to Aether Clan. They can create light and illuminate their surroundings. No one with light magic has been seen within the last 18 years.

Dark Magic: The trigger is a strong desire. The spells are illusion and mind control. Dark magic users belong to Erebus Clan. They can create invisible dark energy and hide themselves in it. No one with dark magic has been seen within the last 18 years.

Earth Magic: The trigger is affection. The power is earth manipulation. They can move the ground and even create solid rocks out of nothingness. Earth magic users belong to Gaia Clan.

Fire Magic: The trigger is anger. The power is fire manipulation. They can create fire and turn it into fiery creatures that obey their orders. Fire magic users belong to Ifrit Clan.

Wind Magic: The trigger is trust. The power is air manipulation. They can collect the wind from their surroundings and command it at will. Wind magic users belong to Aeolus Clan.

Water Magic: The trigger is wisdom. The power is water manipulation. They can create water and harden it into ice. Water magic users belong to Nereid Clan.

Magic is not allowed to be used without reason. Four elemental clans have made a rule regarding the use of magic. Magic users can use their magic freely in their respective clan territory. But in neutral lands, they are only allowed to use magic under certain conditions.

There are more neutral lands than elemental territories in this world. Because, not all people can awaken their magic. Even if they know the trigger of their element and have a teacher to train them, some people are not strong enough to awaken their powers. Due to this reason, neutral lands forbid the use of magic because it can be harmful for non-magi.

There are universities in neutral lands which allow magic for competitions. There is a competition between universities where the students can fight using magic. Basically, it is a magic tournament between universities. The tournament is named 'Wizards Rumble'.


Author's Note:

I am Sera. This is my first attempt to write a fantasy story. How is it so far? Do you understand the basic concepts of this alternate universe yet?

Are your ready to unfold the story of our six boys in the magic world?

Let the journey begin!

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