Chapter 6 - Senior in Engineering

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A/N: This is the double update that I promised a few hours ago. Read Chapter 5 first. This is the second update today.


(Wayo's POV)

We are almost there at the city in neutral lands. Along the way, we see some interesting places. We have a free day before the college starts, so we decide to go sightseeing around the city after we unpack our things. It's afternoon now but I'm sure we can unpack things fast because he can use magic, you know. Just one swing of his hand and he can use neutral magic to levitate things around then move them with telekinetic spells.

Well, that one I should depend on him. I am too tired to unpack things manually.

After around an hour drive, we have finally arrived at the dorms. My dorm, to be precise. We are going to live in different dorms. He drops me off first then helps me unpack my things.

"I can bring it." I give him a serious look.

"I can use my magic to help you bring it."

"Why would I need to use your magic? I don't have magic so I need to bring it myself."

"You are too stubborn, asshole Yo."

I really don't want to depend on my brother for every little thing. I am 18 years old and should be able to be independent by now, I don't want to be too spoiled. He ends up helping me bring my boxes without magic. By the way, when we arrived at the dorm, the security gave me a map of the building and nearby area. How thoughtful.

As Ming unpacks my things and puts them in neat positions with his magic, I take a look at the map.

So, if I walk from here to my faculty, I will need to go past the faculty of medicine first.

If I want to go to Ming's dorm, I will need to go past the dorm of medicine students first.

Why is my dorm surrounded by the buildings of medicine faculty? Oh well.

Basically, the dorm of each faculty is not that far from its own dorm. I don't think I'll need to ask Ming to pick me up with the car. Actually, no one needs to use cars around the campus area because levitation magic is allowed at school. Elemental magic is prohibited, but neutral magic is allowed at some point.

Easy for them, but not for me. I'll need to walk by foot. Well, it's healthier anyway.

"Ming, are you done?"

"What the... as if it's my things that I'm unpacking! I am helping you here, so be patient."

"Hurry up and let's go sightseeing, Ming."

"Just a little bit more, asshole."

He is too neat. He makes sure that everything is in order and tidy. He knows I love my figurines so he is careful when moving them. I love this room, there is a lot of space so it won't be a problem if I buy some more things for this room. We are going to go around the city after all, I want to buy some things.

When he finishes unpacking my things, we go to his dorm afterwards. As we walk to inside the dorm, we talk about where to go in the city. I am excited about it, to the point I am walking backwards as I talk to him.

"Yo, you're about to--"


"Oh, sorry. I wasn't careful."

"It's okay. Are you two freshmen students?"

When I was walking backwards, I bumped into a guy. Hearing him calling us freshmen students is enough to tell us that he is a senior. He looks like a tough guy but he talks to us nicely. He has some tattoos on his arms but somehow he doesn't look like a bad guy to me.

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